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I have the following array with one object:

  "0key1": "a33",
  "0key2": "Aab",
  "0key3": "i",
  "1key1": "e78",
  "1key2": "Vib",
  "1key3": "j",
  "2key1": "c99",
  "2key2": "Aig",
  "2key3": "k"

I would like to split it into three "key": "value" per row as shown below:


Please help me achieve that.



  1. This snippet works for your example, but you will want to add some bounds checking if needed.

    const input = [
        "0key1": "a33",
        "0key2": "Aab",
        "0key3": "i",
        "1key1": "e78",
        "1key2": "Vib",
        "1key3": "j",
        "2key1": "c99",
        "2key2": "Aig",
        "2key3": "k",
    function transform(input) {
      const m = new Map();
      for (const key in input) {
        const idx = parseInt(key.slice(0, 1));
        if (!m.get(idx)) {
          m.set(idx, {});
        const obj = m.get(idx);
        obj[key] = input[key];
      const output = [];
      for (const [idx, obj] of m) {
      output.sort((a, b) => {
        const ak = Object.keys(a);
        const bk = Object.keys(b);
        if (ak[0] < bk[0]) {
          return -1;
        return 1;
      return output;
    const output = transform(input[0]);
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  2. Here’s a potential approach:

    // Problem:
    // based on the first char of each object key
    // store the properties in separate objects in the array
    // Algo:
    // create a new array to store the objects
    // for each object key
    //  get its first character
    //  if there is already an object with that starting char in its first key
    //    (how to: `find` an object in the new array whose first key starts with that char)
    //    add the current key-value pair in that object
    //  otherwise, create a new one and append it to the new array
    const arr = [{"0key1":"a33","0key2":"Aab","0key3":"i","1key1":"e78","1key2":"Vib","1key3":"j","2key1":"c99","2key2":"Aig","2key3":"k"}];
    const obj = arr[0];
    const splitArr = [];
    for (let key in obj) {
      let firstChar = key[0];
      let matchObj = splitArr.find(obj => Object.keys(obj)[0][0] === firstChar);
      if (matchObj) matchObj[key] = obj[key];
      else splitArr.push({ [key]: obj[key] });
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  3. I would use reduce and a nullish coalescing assigment

    const input = [{ 
      "0key1": "a33", "0key2": "Aab", "0key3": "i",
      "1key1": "e78", "1key2": "Vib", "1key3": "j",
      "2key1": "c99",  "2key2": "Aig", "2key3": "k"
    const output = Object.entries(input[0]).reduce((acc,cur) => {
      const key = cur[0];
      const [mainIdx,idx] = key.split("key");
      acc[mainIdx] ??= {}; // nullish coalescing assignment
      return acc;
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  4. Short and simple. Easy to understand and gets the job done.

    const original = [{
      "0key1": "a33",
      "0key2": "Aab",
      "0key3": "i",
      "1key1": "e78",
      "1key2": "Vib",
      "1key3": "j",
      "2key1": "c99",
      "2key2": "Aig",
      "2key3": "k"
    console.log('Original:', original);
    console.log('Output:', splitArray(original));
    function splitArray(input) {
      const splitObjects = {}
      Object.keys(input[0]).forEach((key) => {
        const firstChar = key.substr(0, 1)
        splitObjects[firstChar] = splitObjects[firstChar] || {}
        splitObjects[firstChar][key] = input[0][key]
      return Object.keys(splitObjects).map((key) => splitObjects[key])
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