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Given a tree such as the following – please note this is NOT a binary tree:

                        A        B
                       /       / 
                      C   D    E   F
                   G  H  I

I would like to write a method, which returns the level of the node I call the method on. For example, when calling C.getLevel() I am expecting the return value 2, assuming the level of the root node is 0.

Each node has but two properties: a name and an array of its direct children.

Since I am working with a tree here, I have a feeling I need to solve this issue recursively. So, in a first step, I have to figure out an exit condition – when is my method going to return? Most likely when there are no children.

I don’t really have a good approach for this issue, but just to give us something to work with, I’ll post a start method:

getLevel(level = 0) {
    if (this.children.length === 0) {
        return level;

    for (let child of this.children) {
        level = child.getLevel(level + 1);

Can somebody help me figure this out?



  1. You cannot have such method because you don’t have a reference to the parent element in a node. Basically the level is the number of parent nodes.
    And that’s btw is a common unbalanced tree design.
    So I would suggest to follow the common design and add parent property to nodes.
    If you would have parent the level obtaining is trivial:

      let level = 0;
      let parent;
      while(parent = this.parent){
      return level;

    Also this could be solved if we could access the root node, but I think it’s not efficient as having the parent node property in a node.

    If you prepare your tree in JS code I would bother to traverse the tree from the root element and find a node’s level (if the reference to root is allowed to use). But again that would imply the root property of a node which is worse than having the parent property or accessing the root outside the node’s class which smells bad.

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  2. You need to start the search from the root and then look to find the node. This could either be based on a node instance that is given as argument, or on a name that the target node has ("C" in the example).

    Note that I prefer to call this aspect depth instead of level — but it’s the same thing.

    Here is an implementation that searches for the node by name, starting at the root (I named the method getDepth):

    class Node {
        constructor(name, ...children) {
   = name;
            this.children = children;
        getDepth(name) {
            if ( == name) return 0;
            for (const child of this.children) {
                const level = child.getDepth(name);
                if (level >= 0) return level + 1;
            return -1; // Not found here
    // Build the example tree
    const root = new Node("root",
        new Node("A",
            new Node("C",
                new Node("G"),
                new Node("H"),
                new Node("I")
            new Node("D")
        new Node("B",
            new Node("E"),
            new Node("F")
    const level = root.getDepth("C");
    console.log(level); // 2

    You mentioned an opposite method signature in comments, which is also a possibility. Like this:

    class Node {
        constructor(name, ...children) {
   = name;
            this.children = children;
        getDepthWithRespectTo(root) {
            if (this === root) return 0;
            for (const parent of root.children) {
                const level = this.getDepthWithRespectTo(parent);
                if (level >= 0) return level + 1;
            return -1; // Not found here
    // Build the example tree, and keep a reference to node "C"
    let node;
    const root = new Node("root",
        new Node("A",
            node = new Node("C",
                new Node("G"),
                new Node("H"),
                new Node("I")
            new Node("D")
        new Node("B",
            new Node("E"),
            new Node("F")
    const level = node.getDepthWithRespectTo(root);
    console.log(level); // 2
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  3. Since you’re going to iterate the whole tree anyway, it might be easier to precompute depths for all nodes at once:

    function setDepth(node, depth) {
        node.depth = depth
        for (let c of node.children)
            setDepth(c, depth + 1)
    setDepth(root, 0)

    and then just pick someNode.depth

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  4.     class TreeNode {
          constructor(value) {
            this.value = value;
            this.children = [];
          addChild(child) {
        function calculateNodeLevel(root, targetValue) {
          if (root.value === targetValue) {
            return 0; // Found the target node at the root level
          for (let child of root.children) {
            const level = calculateNodeLevel(child, targetValue);
            if (level !== -1) {
              return level + 1; // Found the target node in a child subtree
          return -1; // Target node not found in the tree
        // Example usage:
        const tree = new TreeNode(1);
        const child1 = new TreeNode(2);
        const child2 = new TreeNode(3);
        const grandchild = new TreeNode(4);
        console.log(calculateNodeLevel(tree, 1)); // Output: 0
        console.log(calculateNodeLevel(tree, 2)); // Output: 1
        console.log(calculateNodeLevel(tree, 3)); // Output: 1
        console.log(calculateNodeLevel(tree, 4)); // Output: 2
        console.log(calculateNodeLevel(tree, 5)); // Output: -1 (Node not found)
    In this example, the TreeNode class represents a node in the tree, and it has a value property to store the value of the node and a children array to store its child nodes.
    The calculateNodeLevel function takes a root node and a targetValue as input. It recursively traverses the tree starting from the root and checks if the value of each node matches the targetValue. If a match is found, it returns the level of that node (0 for the root level, 1 for its children, and so on). If the targetValue is not found in the tree, it returns -1.
    In the example usage section, a simple tree is created, and the calculateNodeLevel function is called with different target values to demonstrate its usage and output.
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