Building Registration api for student with using of Firebase, already initialize Firebase.
trying all the different methods and see all the answer on stack overflow but still got the error and double check my Firebase initialize error show in portman
const { error } = require('console');
const firebase = require('../db.js');
const Student = require('../models/student.js')
const firestore = require('../db.js');
const { collection, doc, setDoc, getDocs } = require("firebase/firestore");
// const firestore = firebase.firestore();
const addStudent = async (req, res, next) => {
try {
const data = req.body;
// await firestore.collection('students').doc().set(data);
// collection(firestore, "students" )
// const q = query(collection(firestore, "students".doc().set(data)));
const docRef = doc(collection(firestore, 'students'));
await setDoc(docRef, data);
console.log(q,"q is");
res.send('Record saved successfuly');
} catch (error) {
As the commenters have pointed out, you're using the older API syntax while i am importing the v9 SDK.
The message is about this line
firestore.collection("Students").doc(studentid).collection("links") In the new modular syntax, that should be:
collection(firestore, "Students", StudentUid, "links")
It typically means that the Firestore instance has not been initialized correctly.