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I am very new to this – how can I add a dollar sign using an event listener? Currently I have:

let dol = document.querySelector('#dollar');

dol.addEventListener('keyup', function(e) { {
  dol.value = "$" + dol.value;

But this is adding a dollar sign for every digit.
I only need the one in front.



  1. eten : Just check with dol.value.startsWith("$")

    let dol = document.querySelector('#dollar')
    dol.addEventListener('keyup', e =>
      if (!dol.value.startsWith('$'))
        dol.value = "$" + dol.value; 
    label {
      margin      : .6rem;
      display     : block;
      font-size   : .8rem;
      font-weight : bold;
    label * {
      box-sizing : border-box;
      display    : block;
      font-size  : 1rem;
      width      : 16rem;
      padding    : .2rem .3rem;
      input for dollars...
      <input id="dollar" type="text" >
    const myForm = document.querySelector('#my-Form')
    myForm.addEventListener('input', e =>  // for any input on form...
      if ( ['money_1','money_2'].includes(
        && !'$')
        ){ = "$" +;
        if ( === '$') // you may need this one...
 = '';  
    myForm.addEventListener('submit', e =>
      e.preventDefault(); // disable form submision.
      // get values...
      console.log('money_1 = ', myForm.money_1.value );
      console.log('money_2 = ', myForm.money_2.value );
    label {
      margin      : .6rem;
      display     : block;
      font-size   : .8rem;
      font-weight : bold;
    label * {
      box-sizing : border-box;
      display    : block;
      font-size  : 1rem;
      width      : 16rem;
      padding    : .2rem .3rem;
    <form id="my-Form">
        input 1 for dollars...
        <input name="money_1" type="text" required >
        input 2 for dollars...
        <input name="money_2" type="text" required>
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  2. Don’t use JS, you don’t need it. Amounts are numbers, and should only ever be numbers. Only the presentation needs a dollar sign, which is what we have HTML and CSS for.

    Use a span for the currency symbol, and then use CSS to show the appropriate one:

    fieldset {
      border: none;
      background: #eee;
      padding: 0.25em 0.5em;
      input {
        border: none;
        border-bottom: 1px dashed black;
        width: 3em;
      &.dollar .currency:before {
        content: "$";
      &.euro .currency:before {
        content: "€";
    <fieldset class="dollar">
      <label>Amount in dollars: </label>
      <span class="currency"></span>
      <input type="text">
    <fieldset class="euro">
      <label>Amount in euros: </label>
      <span class="currency"></span>
      <input type="text">

    Or you can set an :after on the labels and not have a dedicated currency indicating element:

    fieldset {
      border: none;
      background: #eee;
      padding: 0.25em 0.5em;
      &.dollar label:after {
        content: "$";
      &.euro label:after {
        content: "€";
      input {
        border: none;
        border-bottom: 1px dashed black;
        width: 3em;
    <fieldset class="dollar">
      <label>Amount in dollars: </label>
      <input type="text">
    <fieldset class="euro">
      <label>Amount in euros: </label>
      <input type="text">

    Just note that you can’t set a :before on the input elements, even though that would be the most "logical" place to put them, because :before and :after pseudo-classes are treated as sort-of-kind-of child content, and input elements can’t have child content, so it’ll do nothing (same for <img> for example. If it’s a "void" element, :before and :after won’t work).

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