Using Alpine.js
for the first time.
I have a video
tag to show the camera feed, in a modal, which is initialized when the video
tag is initialized using
<div x-data="initTestData()" @data-transfer.window="check=$event.detail.check; runningTest=true;" class="modal fade">
class="w-100 rounded"
which is triggered by
<i @click="$dispatch('data-transfer', {check: check})" data-bs-toggle="modal" role="button"></i>
and the js is defined as
function initTestData() {
console.log('init test data');
return {
check: null,
resource: null,
runningTest: false,
initTest(check) {
console.log('Check initialized: ', check);
const video = document.getElementById('test-video');
video: {
facingMode: 'user'
}).then(stream => {
this.resource = stream;
// Older browsers may not have srcObject
if ("srcObject" in video) {
video.srcObject = stream;
} else {
// Avoid using this in new browsers, as it is going away.
// @ts-ignore
video.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(stream);
video.onloadedmetadata = function () {;
closeTest(check) {
this.runningTest = false;
if (this.resource) {
let tracks = this.resource.getTracks(); // get all tracks from the media stream
tracks.forEach(track => track.stop()); // stop each track
But the initTest()
method is called only once. After the modal is closed and opened again, the initTest()
method is not called to reinitialise the camera.
Got it solved by adding blank
on thevideo
tag.It looks like
can only be used withx-data
on the same element.x-init is called only once when the Alpine object is intialized.
When you close the modal the object is still there and x-init is no more invoked.
To resolve you can invoke initTest() in the event handler:
and remove
Another option can be adding a $watch over a variable:
And varying the value of the variable when dispatching the event.
For example:
But the event must be dispatched also in the modal "dismiss" to let closeTest() be called