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I can check if the object itself is null with (myObj | keyvalue)?.length. (

With JS I can check if the object contains only null values with Object.values(myObj).some(x => x !== null).
But when I try to use this in the template I get Parser Error: Bindings cannot contain assignments.

Is there a way to check if myObj only contains null values inside the template or should I use a function that does the work?



  1. For this you should create a EveryPipe for that.

    @Pipe({ name: 'every' })
    export class ContainsPipe implement PipeTransform {
       transforms(input: any, value: any): boolean {
          return Object.values(myObj).every(x => x == value)

    used like following

    <div *ngIf="(myObj | every:null)"> 
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  2. In Angular templates, you cannot directly use expressions with assignments or complex logic. Therefore, you’ll need to create a function in your component to perform the null value check and then call that function in your template. Here’s an example of how you can achieve this:

    In your component TypeScript code:

    import { Component } from '@angular/core';
      selector: 'app-my-component',
      templateUrl: './my-component.component.html',
    export class MyComponent {
      myObj = { key1: null, key2: null, key3: null };
      hasOnlyNullValues(obj: any): boolean {
        return Object.values(obj).every(x => x === null);

    In your template HTML:

    <div *ngIf="hasOnlyNullValues(myObj)">
      The object contains only null values.
    <div *ngIf="!hasOnlyNullValues(myObj)">
      The object contains non-null values.
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  3. The error says it all. The template parser can not assign values to variables. But you are assigning the values of myObj to a local variable x in order to verify if there are any values equal to null.

    You will have to create a method on the component or use a pipe to achieve what you want. For example, with a function:


    <div *ngIf="containsOnlyNullValues(myObj)">
      // content to be conditionally displayed goes here ...


    public containsOnlyNullValues(myObj: any) {
      return Object.values(myObj).some(x => x !== null);

    Note that you can store the value of a conditional result as a variable which can be used later on in the template. But that is the only exception to this rule.

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