I want to calculate the time a user goes offline.
Am creating a mining app and I want the mining to continue even if the user goes offline, am saving the date to the localStorage every second to be able to calculate how many seconds has elapsed when user is offline so I can calculate the amount the user ought to have accumulated if the user were to be online
First save the timestamp regularly: Store the current timestamp in localStorage at regular intervals while the user is online.
Then we should calculate the offline duration: When the user comes back online, retrieve the last saved timestamp from localStorage and calculate the elapsed time.
Finally we can get the elapsed time to determine how much progress should have been made while the user was offline.
You can do that, when page loads
this useEffect will save curent time to the local storage variable called "lastOnlineTimestamp".
Then update that time regularly, Here I have assigned 1Seconds. here 1000 means 1000ms.
Now whenthe user goes offline, we can get that time like this
You can get more details for this event handler from this documentation. Link
When a user again online, we can calculate elapsed time by this,
To accomplish this task, you’ll need a few steps: