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I am trying to develop an Excel addin that would use Three.js.
For that, I have several files :

  • Home.html, my main html
  • 3dModel.js, the script using three to create and display my 3d model
  • Home.js, my main Excel addin script

Everything is working in both js scripts on their own, but I would like to call a function funct1(), defined in 3dModel.js inside Home.js.
Is this possible ?

I have tried :

// 3dModel.js
export funct1(){

// Home.js
import { funct1 } from './3dModel.js';

But I get "Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module" whereas I am calling both my scripts as modules :

<script type="module" src="./3dModel.js"></script>
<script type="module" src="./Home.js"></script>

What am I missing ? Thanks a lot for your help, I am still a beginner !



  1. instead of use import, use require module

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  2. You are using ES6 syntax(import) over CommonJS(require) syntax. In order to resolve your issue try using require instead of import.

    In your 3D model javascript file:

    var funct1 = function(value) {
    module.exports.funct1 = funct1;

    In you other file use require:

    var 3dModel = require('./3dModel');
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