function handleChecking(index) {
const updatedTasks =, i) =>
i === index ? { ...task, checked: !task.checked } : task
updatedTasks.push(updatedTasks.splice(index, 1)[0]);
> if (!updatedTasks[updatedTasks.length - 1].checked) {
> updatedTasks.unshift(updatedTasks.pop());
> }
I need thorough explanation of the quoted code because I don’t get it. The code was provided by ChatGpt and my todo-app works as I expected but I don’t know why. Every task has a checkbox next to it and when I check that checkbox it moves to the end of an table of tasks(end of an array). That part I understand. Let’s say I have 4 unchecked tasks at the beggining and 3 checked tasks at the end. When I uncheck the second to last task it goes to the top of the table(start of an array). From my understanding of the code it should not work like that. It should pop() only the last one since pop does that right? Anyways I tried asking chatGPT the same question and he than says I am correct and he refactors the code. And I am not gonna touch my code because it works as I expected. Please help because I want to know. I gotta know! I can’t go around saying I have a functional app without knowing how everything inside it works.
I hope I provided enough code. If not, please say what more should I add. But I think this should be understandable to experienced developers.
This code focuses on the key steps:
Toggle task state.
Move the toggled task to the end.
If the moved task is unchecked, move it to the top.
Update the display with the new task arrangement.
Overall, this function handles toggling the checked state of tasks and ensures consistent ordering of unchecked tasks at the beginning of the array.
Here’s how I, a human, would implement that function. It’s less computation and easier to understand (in my opinion beep boop):
Only one loop, only one new array created, no new objects created, no splicing, no unshifting, also clearer. In my opinion.
Some useful links:
useState() hook
Hope you find it helpful.