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What is the best way in NodeJS to create a function that returns true iff a string contains an english word longer than 3 letters?

The code will be placed in a lambda, so I’m looking for the most efficient solution. The best solution I’ve got so far is to use dictionary-en and iterate over every word calling .includes(word) on the source string, I was wondering if you can think of better approach to implement this.

Some examples of strings which should return true:

  • y89nsdadhomea98qwoi
  • :_5678aSD.boTTleads.
  • yfugdnuagybdasglassesmidwqihhniwqnhi

Some examples of strings which should return false:

  • y89nsdadhasa98qwoi
  • :_5678aSD.b0TTle4ds.
  • yfugdnuagybdasmidwqihhniwqnhi



  1. Huh? This is not a job for node.js but JavaScript!

    What is node.js…

    Onto the problem at hand…

    An English word greater than 3 letters… but there are tens of THOUSANDS of them!

    Do you have a text file with all these words included so that we can load them into an array to operate?

    No? OK, in the meantime here’s the best we’ve got…

    const Valid=['home','boTTle','glasses','GodKnows'];
    var S='y89nsdadhomea98qwoi'.toLowerCase(), Ok=false;
    for(var i=0; i<Valid.length; i++){
     if(S.includes(Valid[i].toLowerCase())){Ok=true; break;}
     // yeah the string is ok, what now?

    Sorry I’ve had a few scotches and LMAO after reading your post. 🙂

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  2. Looping over a dictionary (which may contains hundred of thousand of words) is not a good idea. As your string ranges 10-200 chars, iterating over every characters in the source string gives a better result of time complexity. And if you don’t care about space complexity, there’s a better approach:

    1. Build an ahead-of-time special dictionary hashmap, this costs you O(m) (which m is the number of your dictionary words). The hashmap will be something like:
    // As object is hashmap-like in javascript
    dictionaryMap = {
       'hom': 'e',
       'cat': '',
       'bot': 'tle',
       'gla': ['ss', 'cier'], // contains 'glass' and 'glacier'
    1. Iterate over every characters in the source string and look for the word, that way, you have O(n) time for the iteration and O(1) for the lookup:
    for (i=0; i<n.length; i++) {
       lookupStr := n[i] + n[i+1] + n[i+2]; // <-- I know it's dump, just a sample :)))
       if (dictionaryMap.hasOwnProperty(lookupStr) {
          console.log(lookupStr + dictionaryMap[lookupStr])
          return 'hell yeah';
    1. As now you know for sure that the source string has a high chance contains an English word larger than 3, you can apply dynamic programming, simple string check or change the dictionaryMap and do step 2 recursion if you want to look for an exact word:
    dictionaryMap = {
       'gla': 'ss|cier'
    // Apply dynamic programming or memoization to find the longest continuously common subsequence...


    dictionaryMap = {
       'gla': {
          's': {'s': ''},
          'c': {'i': {'e': {'r': ''}}}
    // Continue doing Step 2...

    => Total: O(m) + O(n) + O(1) = O(m) time complexity and O(m) or O(m*longestWordCharacters) space complexity

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