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If I need to check value inside array or not, then I will use includes,

let orig_arr = [1,2,3];
let input = 1;
if (orig_arr.includes(input)) {
  // ...

If wanna do async way then user for await loop

for await (let el of orig_arr) {
  if (el == input) {
    // ...

But because it has more wrap, so I will use flag like below, or just write a lib calling it with async

let flag = false;
for await (let el of orig_arr) {
  if (el == input) {
    flag = true;
if (flag) {
  // ...
lib_array_include_async = (reqArray, reqItem) => {
   return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    (async () => {
      // ...
// await lib_array_include_async(reqArray, reqItem)

Is there any shorter way , original javascript function, syntax can do same thing to check value inside array or not with async ?
like for let loop just add await simply become async



  1. You could get an async iterator for an array.
    You have to wait the async iterators helper some() otherwise implement it yourself.

    A polyfil could be like that:

    const AsyncIteratorPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(
      Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf((async function* () {})())),
    AsyncIteratorPrototype.some = async function(cb){
      for await(const item of this){
        if(await cb(item)) return true;
      return false
    async function* arrayToAsync(arr){
      for(const item of arr){
        yield item;
    arrayToAsync([1,2,3,4,5]).some(num => num === 5).then(out => console.log(out));
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  2. I guess the OP could want to check an array item existence with async code item-by-item.
    For that you either create a custom promise queue or use for await again.
    If your item check callback doesn’t use a shared state between invocations you could use just
    Promise.any to resolve all callbacks simultaneously:

    const arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
    Promise.any( item => {
       await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, Math.random()*300));
       if(item === 5){
        return true;
       throw new Error('not equal');
    })).then(() => console.log('found')).catch(() => console.error('not found'));
    Login or Signup to reply.
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