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Trying to create a point and click adventure game with SVG images and clickable path areas. For example, if you’re in a hall way, and you click on a door, the img src will change to the next room corresponding with that door. I’m able to use addEventListener "click" and alert when the specific area is clicked. I just can’t seem to get an idea on how to change the img src to the next room corresponding with that clicked area.

 //example img
 <image xlink:href="/pointAndClickImg/Main Hall.svg"/>
 <path id="mainhall-left-door"/>
 <path id="mainhall-right-door/>
 //example js that works with clicking and alerting
let mainHallLeftDoor = document.getElementById("leftdoor")
let mainHallRightDoor = document.getElementById("rightdoor")

mainHallLeftDoor.addEventListener("click", function() {
    alert("left door clicked")

mainHallRightDoor.addEventListener("click", function() {
    alert("right door clicked")



  1. Image is a normal element and you can change all its attribute

    mainHallLeftDoor.addEventListener("click", function() {
      alert("left door clicked")
      const img = document.querySelector('svg image')
      img.setAttribute('xlink:href', '/pointAndClickImg/room.svg')
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  2. It will be easier to use one delegated event listener

    <svg id=GAME viewBox="0 0 500 200" style="background:pink">
        <g id="room">
          <rect width="100" height="100" x="50" y="30" stroke="black" stroke-width="5"></rect>
      <use href="#room" fill="red" />
      <use href="#room" fill="yellow" x="150" />
      <use href="#room" fill="blue" x="300" />
      // GAME.addEventListener( "click" , func );
      // or, for just one click:
      GAME.onclick = (evt) => {
        let clicked =;
        if (clicked.hasAttribute("fill")) {
 = clicked.getAttribute("fill");
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