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I’m looping through and object and getting the data-attributes. After that I’m parsing it as a JSON.

     Object.entries(buyProductData).forEach(entry => {
            const [key, value] = entry;
            if(typeof value === 'object') {
                const data = JSON.parse(value.getAttribute('data-tracking-payload'));

console.log(data) returns two objects:

{pid: '9783834649867', sku: '9783834649867', name: 'Book 1}
{pid: '9683271123215', sku: '7552163721', name: 'Book 2}

My question is now how can I combine the two objects so I can have a single one that looks like this:

ec_Event : [
    pid: '9783834649867', sku: '9783834649867', name: 'Book 1
  }, {
    pid: '9683271123215', sku: '7552163721', name: 'Book 2

I tried let merge = {}, but it doesn’t seem to merge them.




  1. Use to transform you values into an array and Array::filter() to filter out values before the mapping.
    Also you don’t need Object.entries() because you don’t use the keys, use Object.values instead.

        .filter(value => typeof value === 'object')
        .map(value => {
            const obj = JSON.parse(value.getAttribute('data-tracking-payload'));
            obj.DUS = obj.sku;
            delete obj.sku;
            return obj;

    You could also Array::reduce():

    Object.values(buyProductData).reduce((arr, value) => {
        if(typeof value === 'object'){
            const obj = JSON.parse(value.getAttribute('data-tracking-payload'));
            obj.DUS = obj.sku;
            delete obj.sku;
        return arr;
    }, []);
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  2. Before you iterate over objects, create an array and with each iteration add the object to that array with Array#push:

    const arr = [];
    Object.entries(buyProductData).forEach(entry => {
        const [key, value] = entry;
        if(typeof value === 'object') {
            const {sku,...restProperties} = JSON.parse(value.getAttribute('data-tracking-payload'));
            // console.log(data);
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