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I was doing some javascript coding in chrome’s console.

When I do:

let x;

It gives "ReferenceError: x is not defined"

But when I run the below code:

let x;

It consoles "undefined".

Q1: Why is it happening?

Q2: When I ran the first code in an online js compiler called OneCompiler, it didn’t give Reference error but gave "cannot access x before initialization". Why did the two compilers gave different errors?



  1. In your first code, you call the console.log(x) before the x even exists, because you define it first after the console.log(x). so there is no reference to an x.

    In your second code, you define the x and then call the console.log(x) so your x already exists and you get no error. But You have not assigned any value to your x. so x has the value "undefined". It is always like that in javascript. If you declare a variable without initializing it, the variable has the value "undefined"

    I hope this helps

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  2. This is because of the concept of variable hoisting in javascript. In this code

    let x;

    the variable x gets "hoisted" to the top and since you havent declared a value to it you get the error ReferenceError: x is not defined.

    In the second code snippet, your approach is correct but since you have not defined x therefore you get an undefined error.

    Regarding your second question, it is possible that OneCompiler is using a different Javascript engine/implementation hence the difference in error but the underlying cause of the error is the same.

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