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I have input string like 2023-02-02 15:35 CET and I have to convert this into UTC time.

I’m trying to find a solution for this, but I’m not able to figure out how to convert input string into Date() object in js.

My main problem is that I cannot figure out how to create Date() with timezone. Time-zones can differ and it could be anything like BST, HKTect.

Can somebody help how to get UTC time from input string like this?



  1. to convert your date to UTC you can use the .toUTCString() method.

    var inputDate = "2023-02-02 15:35 EST";
    var date = new Date(inputDate);
    var dateUTC = date.toUTCString();
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  2. I just translated the PHP code from the following thread into javascript. Hope it will work for you

    function convertCESTorCET(dateTime) {
        // Create two timezone objects
        const timeZoneUTC0 = 'Atlantic/Reykjavik';
        const timeZoneCEST_CET = 'Europe/Copenhagen';
        // Create two Date objects that will contain the same Unix timestamp, but
        // have different timezones attached to them.
        const dateUTC = new Date(dateTime);
        const dateCEST_CET = new Date(dateTime);
        // Set the timezones for the Date objects
        // Calculate the time offset for the date/time contained in the dateUTC
        // object, but using the timezone rules as defined for Denmark
        // (dateCEST_CET).
        const timeOffset = dateCEST_CET.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000; // Convert minutes to milliseconds
        // Calculate the new timestamp by subtracting the time offset
        const newTimestamp = new Date(dateUTC - timeOffset);
        // Format the new timestamp to match the "Y-m-d H:i:s" format
        const formattedDate = newTimestamp.toISOString().replace('T', ' ').substr(0, 19);
        return formattedDate;
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