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I’m making simple web application of uploading the products. I have a server on GO, which has only one handler on POST method. I have some demontsration below:

package main

import (

type Product struct {
 Id int json:"id"
 Desc string json:"desc"

func productsPostHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
 p := &Product{}
 fmt.Println(p.Id, p.Desc)

func main() {
 router := mux.NewRouter()
 router.HandleFunc("/products", productsPostHandler).Methods("POST")
 fmt.Println("Server is listening...")
 http.ListenAndServe(":8181", router)

And also, I have js client, a simple query to my server. I’m trying to upload the specific Product:

fetch("http://localhost:8181/products", {
 method: "POST",
 body: JSON.stringify({
 id: 1,
 desc: "The first product",
 .then(response => {

When server and client try to interact, it failed with the CORS error below.

I want to avoid this error. I guess, I got to fix the http headers in the request somehow. I’ve tried to add the “Access-Allow-Origin” and nothing happened. So, I’m asking for your help.



  1. This package will help you to setup cors in your golang application.

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  2. It should not happen, because server and client are in the same domain.
    Try changing "localhost" in client for "", as this:

    fetch("", {
       method: "POST",
       body: JSON.stringify({
          id: 1,
          desc: "The first product",
    .then(response => {
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