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I have this is json response

    "dates": [
    "values": [
            "Apple": 454,
            "SIM-Free, Model A19211 6.5-inch Super": 191,
            "Samsung's new variant which goes beyond": 3
            "OPPO F19 is officially announced on April": 4980,
            "Huawei’s re-badged P30 Pro New Edition": 41424,
            "MacBook Pro 2021 with mini-LED display": 2535,
            "Basic Data": 293,
            "Samsung Galaxy Book S (2020)": 1181,
            "Style and speed. Stand out on HD video calls": 378, 


I want like this:
enter image description here

can you help me how to bind object to column. currently I am doing like this:

 public createChart(container, options, chartName = null) {
        const chartOptions = this.getOptions();
        const chartData = [];
        options.forEach((data) => {
          const chartDataObject = {
            name: [],
            data: [],
            color: '',
            fillColor: {}

 = Object.keys(data.values)
          .filter((key) => Object.keys(data.values[key]).length !== 0) // Filter out empty objects
          .map((key) => key); // Extract the names = Object.values(data.values)
          .filter((value) => Object.keys(value).length !== 0) // Filter out empty objects
          .map((value) => (value ? Object.values(value)[0] : 0)); // Extract the names
          chartDataObject.color = data.color;
          chartDataObject.fillColor = {
            linearGradient: [0, 0, 0, 150],
            stops: [
              [0, data.color],
              [1, Highcharts.color(data.color).setOpacity(0).get('rgba')]
          chartOptions.xAxis.categories = data.dates;
        chartOptions.series = chartData;
        const element = document.createElement('div');
        chartOptions.chart['renderTo'] = element;
        this.chart = new Highcharts.Chart(chartOptions);
        return this.chart;

I am try to create column chart xAxis display all the data yAxis display object
that object we have name and value if object is empty bind 0 if object is there i need to bind



  1. You need to create a stacked column chart with categories on x-axis. The most important thing is to adapt your data to the series structure required by Highcharts. You can do that for example in the way below:

    const series = [];
    repsonse.values.forEach((values, xVal) => {
      Object.keys(values).forEach((key, index) => {
        if (!series[index]) {
            data: []
          name: key,
          x: xVal,
          y: values[key]
    Highcharts.chart('container', {
      xAxis: {
        categories: repsonse.dates,
        min: 0,
        max: repsonse.dates.length - 1

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  2. Unsure what are the values for container and options, but this should resolve the issue according to your current code.

    As mentioned in @ppotaczek’s answer, you need to provide the value in structure so that HighCharts is able to render the chart correctly.

    In summary of the below code,

    1. keys – Extract all the property names from the object in the data.values array.

    2. series – Transform from the keys array into an array of objects containing each series data with name and value properties. Default the value as 0 if the object in the data.values array doesn’t contain the property (key).

    3. categories – Categories are the label for the x-axis, which should use data.dates as a value.

    createChart(container: any, options: any[], chartName = null) {
      const chartOptions = this.getOptions();
      const chartData: any = [];
      const keys =
        .map((x: any) => Object.keys(x))
        .reduce((acc: any[], cur: any[]) => [...acc, ...cur], [] as any[]);
      chartOptions.series =
        (key: any) =>
            name: key,
            data: any) => y[key] ?? 0),
            //color: /* Your color value */,
            //fillColor: /* Your fillColor setting object */,
            } as any)
      (<AxisOptions>chartOptions.xAxis)!.categories = Array.from(;
      const element = document.createElement('div');
      chartOptions.chart!['renderTo'] = element;
      this.chart = new Highcharts.Chart(chartOptions);
      return this.chart;

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