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Pretty new to cypress (12.16) here and have a question:

I have a form that gets used in multiple areas of the app, I’m trying to turn filling it out into a command to centralize it in case we need to change variables, the issue is that I need to select an element which has an ID that can be either ‘UI-1’ or ‘UI-2’, and my JavaScript isn’t great – I’m wondering if there’s a way to build a selector that essentially looks for ‘UI-1’ and if it doesn’t find it then look for ‘UI-2’ and continue.



  1. Cypress selectors use jQuery syntax. You can pass multiple selectors to cy.get by separating them with commas. For example, here’s how to select elements with id="UI-1" or id="UI-2":

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  2. You can take the approach of partial attributes, since id="UI-1" is an attribute you are not limited to using #UI-1.

    You can also use [id="UI-1"] and there are variations one of which is startsWith [id^="UI-"] which will find any id starting with UI-.

    See this page for a complete list jQuery Attribute selectors

    If you pick up multiple elements, just apply .first() command before .type(), or if you want to type into all of them use .each()

      .each($el => {

    As for a custom command, it’s pretty simple

    Cypress.Commands.add('getElementsWithIdStarting_UI', () => {

    You can put it into the support folder to centralize the code (although I wouldn’t bother with that, since global searching is pretty easy when you need to update the selector).

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