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Hope someone can make sense of this
I have created commands for search on data id’s

Cypress.Commands.add('getByDataQAId', (selector, ...args) => {
    return cy.get(`[data-qa-id=${selector}]`, ...args)

Cypress.Commands.add('findByDataQAId', (selector, ...args) => {
    return cy.find(`[data-qa-id=${selector}]`, ...args)

I am now using these to search for an element on the screen, Due to how the screen is layed out and how the dev’s have created the id’s I need to use these together


When calling this cypress fails on the Find part saying "the subject received was "undefined""

When calling this below (which for me is the same)


This finds the field correctly. So now I am confused on why the first fails while the second passes.

Thanks for your time



  1. I think it is losing the reference to the first subject at the time of the second call because you are not wrapping that.

    You could add something like:

    Cypress.Commands.add('getByDataQAId', (subject, tag) => {
       return subject
       ? cy.wrap(subject).find(`[data-qa-id='${tag}']`)
       : cy.get(`[data-qa-id='${tag}']`)
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  2. I think Nak is nearly right, but you also need to designate the custom command as a child command.

    This is indicated by the option {prevSubject:true}.

    Cypress.Commands.add('findByDataQAId', {prevSubject:true}, (subject, selector, ...args) => {
      return cy.wrap(subject).find(`[data-qa-id=${selector}]`, ...args)

    There’s examples of child command here.

    The prevSubject accepts the following values:

    • false: (default) ignore any previous subjects: (parent command)
    • true: receives the previous subject: (child command)
    • optional: may start a chain, or use an existing chain: (dual command)
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