So, I’m trying to send data from my main.js, to be used in the renderer to draw divs to my html, after not being able to use the content from my JSON I decided to try and send a simple string, and the problem persists, a useless object.(Tried stringify, tried "toString()" and it only becomes an "Object".
Funnily enough, sending data from render to main works perfectly, I’m receiving it and storing it into a file that works just fine.
const createMainWindow = () => {
const win = new BrowserWindow({
width: 600,
height: 400,
webPreferences: {
nodeIntegration: true,
preload: path.join(__dirname, "preload.js")
win.webContents.on('did-finish-load', () =>{
win.webContents.send('loadJSON', "hello");
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('electronAPI', {
storeJSON: (data) => ipcRenderer.send('storeJSON', data),
loadJSON: (data) => ipcRenderer.on('loadJSON', data)
vsticker.js (renderer)
window.electronAPI.loadJSON((data) =>{
I’m starting to get exhausted from reading electron’s docs to try and figure out why this is happening, I tried to wait until the page loads, tried this method of using a string instead of the contents fro my JSON, nothing seems to work, I just want to finish this.
Also, yes, I’ve read the post from the person that had a very similar problem, his solution was to wait until the page was fully loaded, I’ve tried this and it didn’t work.
Here is the signature of
from the docs:As you can see, the first parameter of the
function isevent
, and that’s what you are logging instead of theargs
. This should work better:ipcRenderer.on
doesn’t send data, it sends a callback function. To pass data through it, the preload.js needs to have a function that takes the data as an argument and sends it forward to your handler on the renderer side. Your preload.jsexposeInMainWorld
should look more like this:As you can see, the second argument isn’t your data itself, it’s an inline function that takes the data and passes it to a callback as a parameter.
Check out Electron’s Inter-Process Communication docs for more details, specifically the "Pattern 3" section talking about main-to-renderer communication. It has examples and more specific information.