i am building CRUD application i am able to read and delete data but i am unable to update data in the database table for the specific route, also when i tried to update data in the table with id 1 its updating the data in all ids
app.get('/doctor/edit/:id', async (req, res) => {
const id = req.params.id;
const data = await doctor.getDoctorById(id);
res.render('editDoctor', { data });
//update doctor
app.post('/doctor/edit/:id', async (req, res) => {
const data = req.body;
const id = req.params.id; // Get the 'id' from the URL parameters
try {
await doctor.updateDoctor(data, id); // Pass the 'id' to the updateDoctor function
} catch (error) {
console.log('Error updating patient:', error);
res.status(500).send('Internal Server Error');
// function to update the information
const updateDoctor = async (updatedData) => {
const { id, name, specialization, contact, appointment } = updatedData;
const query = `
UPDATE doctor
SET name = $2, specialization = $3, contact = $4, appointment = $5
WHERE id = $1`;
const values = [id, name, specialization, contact, appointment]; // Correct order of values
await pool.query(query, values);
i am using ejs in front end , i am expecting that the existing doctor information should update with this code but i am receiving the data but its not updating in the database.
Try with out backticks for const query and try to add excpeiton handling block for query method execution i.e, (error, results) => {} . Example given below