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How do I detect when the width of a div with id X changes? I have a function ‘wrapLines’ which needs to be called whenever this div container’s width changes. because of following reasons

  1. whether the window got resized
  2. or any other reason like a collapsible menu opening up causing x div to decrease in width

Application uses Knockout JS and OJET(Oracle JET). so there is view and viewModel defined for html and respective js.
Please help.

I tried to use window.resize like mentioned below but it doesn’t work-

$("#" + x).on('resize', function(event) {
    //call wrapLines function         

The code below works but only for case 1. I need case 2 to pass.

$(window).on('resize', function(event) {
   //call wrapLines function               



  1. Use the ResizeObserver API.

    const elem = document.getElementById("element");
    let prevWidth;
    new ResizeObserver(([change]) => {
      if ((prevWidth = change.contentRect.width) == prevWidth) {
    #element {
       resize: horizontal;
       overflow: hidden;
       border: 1px solid black;
    <div id="element">I can be resized!</div>
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  2. I’ve used the ResizeObserver to create a KnockoutJS binding handler to deal with change events and update an observable with the new width. Please see
    jsfiddle example:


    <textarea id="element" data-bind="resizeWidth: width, value: value"></textarea>
    <span data-bind="text: width"></span>

    Binding handler:

    ko.bindingHandlers.resizeWidth = {
      update: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindings) {
        const value = valueAccessor();
        new ResizeObserver(([change]) => {

    View controller:

    class ViewModel {
      constructor() {
        this.value = ko.observable('something');
        this.width = ko.observable(0);
        this.width.subscribe(newValue=>{console.log('resize', newValue)})
    viewModel = new ViewModel()
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