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There are 30 data in the json file. But the choices section for the discord bot is limited to 25. How can I solve this? I am using Node.js Discord.js.

const currencyData = require("../../json/commands/currency.json");
const currencyChocies = currencyData.currency;
module.exports = {
  deleted: false,
  name: "pricecurrency",
  description: "Currency Price",
  type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String,
  // devOnly: Boolean,
  // testOnly: Boolean,
  options: [
      name: "currency",
      description: "currency name",
      type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String,
      choices: currencyChocies,
      required: true,
  callback: async (client, interaction) => {
    const currencyName = interaction.options.getString("currency");
    try {
      const data = await fetchCurrencyData("Currency");
      const desiredCurrency = data.find(
        (item) => item.detailsId === currencyName

      if (desiredCurrency) {
        const chaosEquivalent = desiredCurrency.chaosEquivalent;
        const currencyTypeName = desiredCurrency.currencyTypeName;
          "Name:" + currencyTypeName + "  Chaos Price:" + chaosEquivalent
      } else {
        interaction.reply("Nothing Found Currency");
    } catch (error) {
      await interaction.reply("API Error");


TThere was an error: DiscordAPIError[50035]: Invalid Form Body
options[0].choices[BASE_TYPE_MAX_LENGTH]: Must be 25 or fewer in length.

I tried sorting but I didn’t use it in the structure. Is there a method in Nodejs that can help?



  1. Check out autocomplete. Here’s the link to the usage guide. After a user submits the command you can verify that the currency they selected is real and is in the list of possible options.

    Here’s a modified version of their example that fits your needs:

        async autocomplete(interaction) {
            const focusedValue = interaction.options.getFocused();
            const filtered = currencyChoices.filter(choice => choice.startsWith(focusedValue));
            await interaction.respond(
       => ({ name: choice, value: choice })),

    Add that to your module.exports along with the code that handles the rest of the autocomplete process found in the documentation.

    Don’t forget to enable autocomplete for your command.

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  2. Actually 25 options is the maximum for a slash command.

    Discord docs image

    You can see this here

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