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I am working on a credit card checker project. The validation code works (so I don’t include the code for it) but I want to go a step further:
the user types in a number and gets a reply. If the card is not valid they get "This card is not valid" in red, if it is, the answer is in green. The message disappears after a given time (setTimeout). The problem is it only works once. One time for valid and one for invalid.

I know it has something to do with timeoutId and clearTimeout but I’ve been chasing my own tail around trying to get it right. Probably because I don’t fully understand it yet.


<div class="credit-card">
      <p class="credit-card__text">Want to check you if your credit card is valid?</p>

      <input type="number" id="userInput" class="js-input" placeholder="type in your number and press ENTER" onkeydown="handleEnter(event)">

        <p id="js-return-valid"></p>
        <p id="js-return-invalid"></p>


    const displayValid = document.getElementById('js-return-valid');
    const displayInvalid = document.getElementById('js-return-invalid');
    let input  = '';

    function handleEnter(event) {
      if (event.key === 'Enter') {
        input = document.getElementById("userInput").value;
        input = String(input).split('').map((input
        ) => { return Number(input) });

        if (!validateCred(input)) { 
            setTimeout(function() {
       = "none";
            }, 2000);
            displayInvalid.innerHTML = `This number is not valid.`;
        } else {
            setTimeout(function() {
       = "none";
            }, 2000);

            displayValid.innerHTML = `This number is valid.`;

      document.getElementById("userInput").value = null;




    • Always clear any existing timeout before starting a new one. This ensures that the message will always show for the full duration even if the user rapidly presses the Enter key multiple times.

    • Reset the display properties of both displayValid and displayInvalid so that they’re both potentially available to show messages again.

      const displayValid = document.getElementById('js-return-valid');
      const displayInvalid = document.getElementById('js-return-invalid');
      let input  = '';
      let timeoutId;
       function handleEnter(event) {
        if (event.key === 'Enter') {
     = "block"; = "block";
       input = document.getElementById("userInput").value;
       input = String(input).split('').map(Number); 
       if (!validateCred(input)) {
           // Set message for invalid input
           displayInvalid.innerHTML = 'This number is not valid.';
           displayValid.innerHTML = ''; 
           timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
      = "none";
           }, 2000);
       } else {
           // Set message for valid input
           displayValid.innerHTML = 'This number is valid.';
           displayInvalid.innerHTML = ''; // Clear the invalid message
           // Hide valid message after 2 seconds
           timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
      = "none";
           }, 2000);
       document.getElementById("userInput").value = null;
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  1. You need to save and clear the timeout. You are setting display to none but you never reset it to flex or whatever.

    var messageTimeout
    displayInvalid.innerHTML = `This number is not valid.`;
    messageTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
    }, 2000);
    #js-return-valid.hide {
      display: none;
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