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I am trying to draw a vertical arrow using canvas and javascript. i am able to draw one with arrow head upwards but finding difficulty in placing arrow head at the bottom.

The code i am trying

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <canvas id="c" width="500" height="500" style="border:1px solid grey"></canvas>

    const ctx = document.getElementById("c").getContext("2d");
    drawArrow(ctx, 300, 300, 300, 200);
    function drawArrow(context, fromx, fromy, tox, toy) {
      const headlen = 10; // length of head in pixels
      const angle = Math.atan2(toy - fromy, tox - fromx);
      context.moveTo(fromx, fromy);
      context.lineTo(tox, toy);
      context.lineTo(tox - headlen * Math.cos(angle - Math.PI / 6), toy - headlen * Math.sin(angle - Math.PI / 6));
      context.moveTo(tox, toy);
      context.lineTo(tox - headlen * Math.cos(angle + Math.PI / 6), toy - headlen * Math.sin(angle + Math.PI / 6));

which is drawing a an arrow like this
enter image description here

What i need is the same arrow head which will be placed at the bottom downwards.

enter image description here



  1. The arrow generation is already dynamic in the code you’ve found. All you need to do is change the coordinates of the start and end position.


    drawArrow(ctx, 300, 300, 300, 200);


    drawArrow(ctx, 300, 200, 300, 300);

    Here’s a working example:

    const ctx = document.getElementById("c").getContext("2d");
    drawArrow(ctx, 300, 200, 300, 300);
    function drawArrow(context, fromx, fromy, tox, toy) {
      const headlen = 10; // length of head in pixels
      const angle = Math.atan2(toy - fromy, tox - fromx);
      context.moveTo(fromx, fromy);
      context.lineTo(tox, toy);
      context.lineTo(tox - headlen * Math.cos(angle - Math.PI / 6), toy - headlen * Math.sin(angle - Math.PI / 6));
      context.moveTo(tox, toy);
      context.lineTo(tox - headlen * Math.cos(angle + Math.PI / 6), toy - headlen * Math.sin(angle + Math.PI / 6));
    <canvas id="c" width="500" height="500" style="border:1px solid grey"></canvas>
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  2. The args just need to be switched around, because you are passing origin x, origin y, destination x, destination y. The X args stay the same, but y just needs to have an origin less than the destination:

    drawArrow(ctx, 300, 100, 300, 300);
    const ctx = document.getElementById("c").getContext("2d");
        drawArrow(ctx, 300, 100, 300, 300);
        function drawArrow(context, fromx, fromy, tox, toy) {
          const headlen = 10; // length of head in pixels
          const angle = Math.atan2(toy - fromy, tox - fromx);
          context.moveTo(fromx, fromy);
          context.lineTo(tox, toy);
          context.lineTo(tox - headlen * Math.cos(angle - Math.PI / 6), toy - headlen * Math.sin(angle - Math.PI / 6));
          context.moveTo(tox, toy);
          context.lineTo(tox - headlen * Math.cos(angle + Math.PI / 6), toy - headlen * Math.sin(angle + Math.PI / 6));
    <!DOCTYPE html>
      <canvas id="c" width="500" height="500" style="border:1px solid grey"></canvas>
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