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I want to convert the following excel to JSON template using automation (either using any python or JS library).

The Excel Format that I have is as follows:

enter image description here

The JSON output which is expected is as follows:

    "Old Field Name": "PRIORITY",
    "Old Field Label": "Priority",
    "New Field Label": "Priority",
    "New Field Name": "Priority",
    "Conversion": [
        "Method": "Mapping",
        "Mapping": [
          "1-high : High",
          "2-medium : Medium",
          "3-low : Low"
    "Old Field Name": "REVIEWER",
    "Old Field Label": "Reviewer",
    "New Field Label": "Author",
    "New Field Name": "Author",
    "Conversion": [
        "Method": "CONCAT",
        "Conversion": "Reviewer + <REVIEWER>"
    "Old Field Name": "NAME",
    "Old Field Label": "Name",
    "New Field Label": "Head",
    "New Field Name": "Head"   

Can someone suggest any steps to achieve the following conversion into the nested JSON as shown above, or any work around to automate the following scenario.

Note: I am looking forward to JS or Python Solution but I am fine with C# Libraries or any JAVA Library as well.



  1. I’ve come up with the following as a standalone script:

    const file = process.argv[2];
    const fs = require('fs');
    const Papa = require('papaparse');
    const rawCsv = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8');
    const fileContents = Papa.parse(rawCsv, {
        delimiter: '', // auto-detect
        newline: '', // auto-detect
        quoteChar: '"',
        escapeChar: '"',
        header: true,
        transformHeader: true,
        dynamicTyping: false,
        preview: 0,
        encoding: '',
        worker: false,
        comments: false,
        step: undefined,
        complete: undefined,
        error: undefined,
        download: false,
        downloadRequestHeaders: undefined,
        downloadRequestBody: undefined,
        skipEmptyLines: true,
        chunk: undefined,
        chunkSize: undefined,
        fastMode: undefined,
        beforeFirstChunk: undefined,
        withCredentials: undefined,
        transform: true,
        delimitersToGuess: [';', 't', '|', ',', Papa.RECORD_SEP, Papa.UNIT_SEP],
    }) => {
        let row = {...details};
        if (row['Conversion Type'] === 'Mapping') {
            row.Conversion = [
                    Method: 'Mapping',
                    Mapping: row.Mapping.split('n'),
        } else if (row['Conversion Type'] === 'CONCAT') {
            row.Conversion = [{
                Method: 'CONCAT',
                Conversion: row.Mapping,
        delete row.Mapping;
        delete row['Conversion Type'];
        return row;
    fs.writeFileSync(file.replace('.csv', '.json'), JSON.stringify(fileContents, null, 2));

    quick note, you don’t truly need to include all those options with Papa.parse. I did so that it works exactly the same for everyone

    In order to use this, you will need NodeJS and install papaparse using npm i papaparse.

    If possible, just for better scalability, you could consider using CONCAT or concat as the key instead of Conversion, and with that in place, we could apply a general rule of "take the conversion method as the key", and thusly write:

     if (row['Conversion Type'] === 'Mapping') {
            row.Conversion = [
                    Method: 'Mapping',
                    Mapping: row.Mapping.split('n'),
        } else {
            row.Conversion = [{
                Method: row['Conversion Type'],
                [row['Conversion Type'].toLowerCase()]: row.Mapping,

    Let me know if you have any questions! 🙂

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  2. Ok here’s a solution in JS/Node.js.

    First export from Google Spreadsheet as csv. (Note: If you do this in Excel the export might be slightly different, so I went from a Google Spreadsheet export).

    This is the CSV I got, saved it as MigrationTool.csv

    Old Field Name,Old Field Label,New Field Name,New Field Label,Conversion Type,Mapping
    PRIORITY,Priority,Priority,Priority,Mapping,"""1-high : High"",
    ""2-medium : Medium"",
    ""3-low : Low"""
    REVIEWER,Reviewer,Author,Author,CONCAT,"""Reviewer + <REVIEWER>"

    Next write JavaScript code to convert, rather tricky one this actually, but here goes:

    const { readFileSync, writeFileSync } = require('fs');
    function convertToJson(filePath) {
      let csv = readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8').split('n');
      const headings = csv.shift().split(',');
      // handle special last column
      let lastNormal = 0;
      csv.forEach((x, i) => x[0] === '"' ? csv[lastNormal] += x : lastNormal = i);
      csv = csv.filter(x => x[0] !== '"');
      csv = => x.replace(/"",""/g, '|').replace(/"/g, ''));
      // loop through csv rows and create data for json
      let data = [];
      for (let row of csv) {
        let obj = {};
        colCount = -1;
        for (let col of row.split(',')) {
          if (!headings[colCount]) { continue; }
          if (headings[colCount] === 'Conversion Type') {
            if (!col) { continue; }
            obj.Conversion = { Method: col };
          if (headings[colCount] === 'Mapping') {
            if (!col) { continue; }
            obj.Conversion[col.split('|').length > 1
              ? 'Mapping' : 'Conversion'] =
              col.split('|').length > 1 ? col.split('|') : col;
          obj[headings[colCount]] = col;
        filePath.replace(/.csv/g, '.json'),
        JSON.stringify(data, null, '  '),

    Run the program and you’ll get this JSON in a file called MigrationTool.json:

        "Old Field Name": "PRIORITY",
        "Old Field Label": "Priority",
        "New Field Name": "Priority",
        "New Field Label": "Priority",
        "Conversion": {
          "Method": "Mapping",
          "Mapping": [
            "1-high : High",
            "2-medium : Medium",
            "3-low : Low"
        "Old Field Name": "REVIEWER",
        "Old Field Label": "Reviewer",
        "New Field Name": "Author",
        "New Field Label": "Author",
        "Conversion": {
          "Method": "CONCAT",
          "Conversion": "Reviewer + <REVIEWER>"
        "Old Field Name": "NAME",
        "Old Field Label": "Name",
        "New Field Name": "Head",
        "New Field Label": "Head"

    Lastly, get paid? 😀
    No, it’s fine was a fun code challenge on a Sunday. 🙂

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