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I’ve gone through the official Jest docs around manual mocking but I can’t quite make sense of it.

I have a file that exports an object of computed values


export const getCalculatedValues = (stuff) => ({
   val1: 'val1',
   val2: 'val2',

I am then using this within several other files that I am attempting to test – For example:


import {getCalculatedValues} from './utils';

export const doSomething = () => getCalculatedValues('some-val');

So far, I have managed to mock the original getCalculatedValues


jest.mock('./utils', () => ({
  __esModule: true,
  getCalculatedValues: {
    val1: 123,
    val2: 321,

// Assume this passes ;-)
it('Should return mock values', () => {
    const res = doSomething();

As mentioned previously, I am using getCalculatedValues in several different files which would mean that I am needing to perform the jest.mock of it within each of their test files, which is a lot of duplication.

I am trying to get my head around the "manual mocking" aspect of Jest but I can’t seem to understand what I should be doing…

I understand that I should create a file within a __mocks__ directory, but from there, I’m not entirely sure what should go in that file…



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I feel my confusion came from the official Jest docs around the issue as they showed performing a manual mock on both a dependency and also a file at the same time.

    I took a bit of inspiration from a Youtube tutorial I saw that showed performing a manual mock on a file only.

    So as the docs say, you must create a mock for the thing you're attempting to mock within the same directory level but within its own __mocks__ directory.

    So for me, say we had a file structure like

    └── src/
        ├── utils/
        │   └── utils.js
        └── other-files/
            ├── usage.js
            └── usage.test.js

    given we are wanting to mock the functionality within /src/utils/utils.js and not in /other-files/usage we should create the __mocks__ directory and __mocks__/utils.js within /src/utils

    └── src/
        ├── utils/
        │   ├── __mocks__/
        │   │   └── utils.js
        │   └── utils.js
        └── other-files/
            ├── usage.js
            └── usage.test.js

    The content of /__mocks__/utils.js should mirror the contents of the original file you are mocking. At least, the parts you want to mock and return the mock value you are looking for.


    export const getCalculatedValues = (stuff) => ({
       val1: 'mocked-val1',
       val2: 'mocked-val2',

    Then, we just have to mock it within the /other-files/usage.test.js file

    // Assume this passes ;-)
    it('Should return mock values', () => {
        const res = doSomething();

    And that should be it!

    A good check is to do a console.log of the value you are wanting to check.

  2. Just import the file that you are trying to mock on the global level of the test server.

    import utils from "../src/utils.js";
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