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My App sign users anonymously automatically

  function onAuthStateChanged(user: FirebaseAuthTypes.User | null) {
      "Auth State Changed... ",
    if (!user) auth().signInAnonymously();
    if (initializing && user) setInitializing(false);
  useEffect(() => {
    const subscriber = auth().onAuthStateChanged(onAuthStateChanged);
    return subscriber; // unsubscribe on unmount
  }, []);

to manage anonymous accounts I want to delete the anonymous user before I sign in with the other account, something like this

const confirmCode = async () => {
    confirm &&
      confirm.verificationId &&
      userCurrent &&
      (await userCurrent
        // -------> Trying to link the anonymous user with PhoneProvider
          auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential(confirm.verificationId, pinNumber)
        .catch((e) => {
          console.log(e.code, "<<errCode");
          // -------> If the linking fails because the user already 
          //  has a different account, I delete the anonymous user 
          //  and login with new account
          if (e.code === "auth/credential-already-in-use") {
            userCurrent // currentuser Auth Object
              .delete() // Auth() delete current user method
              .then(() =>
                confirm.confirm(pinNumber).catch((e) => {
              .catch((e) => {
          } else {

my problem is with the subscriber kicking in and signing users anonymously again before my intentional signin, and I end up with a new anonymous user with a different id!

Any idea how to work around this?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    The best way I could resolve my issue is by using the auth().deleteUser() method from the firebase/auth package, the delete command will delete a user from the Firebase Authentication List, and since changes on Authentication List isn't pushed in realtime to the App no event is triggered, hence I got the chance to process the new Login.

  2. From your code it seems like you’re linking a provider to the existing anonymous account.

    In that scenario you should not delete the anonymous account (as it’ll just create a new account, as you see), but just link the provider. Once that process is complete, you’ll have a single account, with the same UID as your original anonymous user had, but it’ll no longer be an anonymous user.

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