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I have an array of 16 arrays like this:

[['one', 'blue'], ['one', 'red'], ['two', 'blue'], ['two', 'red'], ...]

and I’m looking for Javascript to return every combination (not permutation, because I don’t want repeats in different orders) of THREE of them like this:

[[['one', 'blue'], ['one', 'red'], ['two', 'blue']],
 [['one', 'blue'], ['one', 'red'], ['two', 'red']],
 [['one', 'blue'], ['two', 'blue'], ['two', 'red']],
 [['one', 'red'], ['two', 'blue'], ['two', 'red']], ...]

I can do this in Python using itertools, but I don’t know how to in Javascript.




  1. You could use three nested for loops.

    const arrays = [['one', 'blue'], ['one', 'red'], ['two', 'blue'], ['two', 'red']];
    const result = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < arrays.length; ++i) {
      for (let j = i + 1; j < arrays.length; ++j) {
        for (let k = j + 1; k < arrays.length; ++k) {
          result.push([arrays[i], arrays[j], arrays[k]]);

    Or, if you need a shallow copy instead of references:

    const arrays = [['one', 'blue'], ['one', 'red'], ['two', 'blue'], ['two', 'red']];
    const result = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < arrays.length; ++i) {
      for (let j = i + 1; j < arrays.length; ++j) {
        for (let k = j + 1; k < arrays.length; ++k) {
          result.push([[...arrays[i]], [...arrays[j]], [...arrays[k]]]);
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  2. You want to generate a list of permutations of a fixed length.

    There are many algorithms out there for recursively building a list of permutations.

    I modified one that was easy to find, with proper searching. I called stucturedClone to grab a deep copy of each result item.

    const arr = [
      ['one', 'blue'],
      ['one', 'red'],
      ['two', 'blue'],
      ['two', 'red']
    // Based on:
    const getPermutations = (list, maxLen) => {
      const permute = (list, maxLen) => {
        if (maxLen === 0) return [[]];
        const result = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
            copy = [...list],
            head = copy.splice(i, 1),
            rest = permute(copy, maxLen - 1);
          for (let j = 0; j < rest.length; j++) {
        return result;
      return permute(list, maxLen);
    const permutations = getPermutations(arr, 3);
    .as-console-wrapper { top: 0; max-height: 100% !important; }


      [ ["one", "blue"] , ["one", "red"]  , ["two", "blue"] ]
      [ ["one", "blue"] , ["one", "red"]  , ["two", "red"]  ]
      [ ["one", "blue"] , ["two", "blue"] , ["one", "red"]  ]
      [ ["one", "blue"] , ["two", "blue"] , ["two", "red"]  ]
      [ ["one", "blue"] , ["two", "red"]  , ["one", "red"]  ]
      [ ["one", "blue"] , ["two", "red"]  , ["two", "blue"] ]
      [ ["one", "red"]  , ["one", "blue"] , ["two", "blue"] ]
      [ ["one", "red"]  , ["one", "blue"] , ["two", "red"]  ]
      [ ["one", "red"]  , ["two", "blue"] , ["one", "blue"] ]
      [ ["one", "red"]  , ["two", "blue"] , ["two", "red"]  ]
      [ ["one", "red"]  , ["two", "red"]  , ["one", "blue"] ]
      [ ["one", "red"]  , ["two", "red"]  , ["two", "blue"] ]
      [ ["two", "blue"] , ["one", "blue"] , ["one", "red"]  ]
      [ ["two", "blue"] , ["one", "blue"] , ["two", "red"]  ]
      [ ["two", "blue"] , ["one", "red"]  , ["one", "blue"] ]
      [ ["two", "blue"] , ["one", "red"]  , ["two", "red"]  ]
      [ ["two", "blue"] , ["two", "red"]  , ["one", "blue"] ]
      [ ["two", "blue"] , ["two", "red"]  , ["one", "red"]  ]
      [ ["two", "red"]  , ["one", "blue"] , ["one", "red"]  ]
      [ ["two", "red"]  , ["one", "blue"] , ["two", "blue"] ]
      [ ["two", "red"]  , ["one", "red"]  , ["one", "blue"] ]
      [ ["two", "red"]  , ["one", "red"]  , ["two", "blue"] ]
      [ ["two", "red"]  , ["two", "blue"] , ["one", "blue"] ]
      [ ["two", "red"]  , ["two", "blue"] , ["one", "red"]  ]
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