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I have a list of athlete names in JSON format from a fetch. Using for loop, I want to grab all the names under roster > athlete > name and then inserting them into dropdown menu.

But for some reason the loop is not working. If I take out the loop and just grab a single athlete, it worked. Maybe I got confused about arrays and objects?

JSON code

    "team": {
        "color": "000000",
        "country": "USA",
        "roster": [
                "athlete": {
                    "name": "John Doe",
                    "age": 20
                "athlete": {
                    "name": "Jane Doe",
                    "age": 21
                "athlete": {
                    "name": "Jack Doe",
                    "age": 22
                "athlete": {
                    "name": "Joe Doe",
                    "age": 23

JS code

async function getAthletes() {

    const getPlayers = document.getElementById('getPlayers')

    await fetch('athlete.json', {
        method: 'GET'
    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then(data => {

        const athletes =[0].athlete

        for(let i = 0; i < athletes.length; i++) {
            getPlayers.innerHTML += `<option value="${athletes[i].name}">${athletes[i].name}</option>`


<select id="getPlayers" data-category="Vote" data-action="click" data-label="Select Player">
    <option value="">Select player</option>

Hoping to get like this after the loop

<select id="getPlayers" data-category="pick" data-action="click" data-label="Select Player">
    <option value>Select player</option>
    <option value="John Doe">John Doe</option>
    <option value="Jane Doe">Jane Doe</option>
    <option value="Jack Doe">Jack Doe</option>
    <option value="Joe Doe">Joe Doe</option>



  1. Just look at what you’re doing semantically here:

    const athletes =[0].athlete

    You’re creating a variable called athletes and setting its value to an athlete. A single instance of something is not a list of something. In that operation you specify index 0 of the array. If you want to loop over the entire array, don’t use only one of its elements. Use the entire array:

    const athletes =;

    Then each element in the array would be like:

      "athlete": {
        "name": "John Doe",
        "age": 20

    So referencing a value on it in the loop would be something like:

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  2. The athlete property is not the array, and has no .length. It is roster that is the array, which must be iterated. For instance:

    for (const {athlete: { name }} of {
        getPlayers.innerHTML += `<option value="${name}">${name}</option>`;
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  3. You should grab team.roster off the data and loop over the values.

    Each value should have an attribute.

    const playerSelect = document.getElementById('getPlayers');
    // Mock the fetch call
    const fetch = async (url, options) => Promise.resolve(({
      json: async () => Promise.resolve({
        "team": {
          "color": "000000",
          "country": "USA",
          "roster": [
            { "athlete": { "name": "John Doe", "age": 20 } },
            { "athlete": { "name": "Jane Doe", "age": 21 } },
            { "athlete": { "name": "Jack Doe", "age": 22 } },
            { "athlete": { "name": "Joe Doe",  "age": 23 } }
    async function getAthletes() {
      await fetch('athlete.json', { method: 'GET' })
        .then((response) => response.json())
        .then(({ team: { roster } }) => {
          roster.forEach(({ athlete: { name } }) => {
            // DOM manipulation, no hand-written HTML
            playerSelect.append(new Option(name, name));
    getAthletes(); // Call the async function to populate the select
    <select id="getPlayers" data-category="Vote" data-action="click" data-label="Select Player">
      <option value="">Select player</option>
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  4. First of all from your JSON, is the array.
    So we have to iterate that array.

    JS Code

    async function getAthletes() {
        const getPlayers = document.getElementById('getPlayers')
        await fetch('athlete.json', {
            method: 'GET'
        .then((response) => response.json())
        .then(data => {
            const rosters =
            for(let i = 0; i < rosters.length; i++) {
                getPlayers.innerHTML += `<option

    For your other doubt yes u can iterate object also,but with for-in loop or for-each loop or for-of (not with normal FOR).
    Arrays can be looped using normal FOR & Foreach.

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