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I have a spreadsheet which values comes from an importRange built-in function, the thing is that the getRange function is not fetching the right values, regardless the ROW, COLUMN selected, it returns the word "info" all the time except for Row Column 1,1 (or A1), it returns #Error.

it is weird right? I dunno what am I doing wrong, hope you can help, it is driving me crazy, here is my test function

function TestFunction()
   var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("OTs");

and in the image is the data in that spreadsheet,
very simple table

here is the results in the console:



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    It was so weird, I had to create a new Google sheet, copy the data, and it is working now

  2. It’s not weird.

    The image shows the code editor with the Execution Log panel. This panel includes three columns

    1. Timestamp.
    2. Log type.
    3. Message.

    The image shows three entries, two with Notice and one with Info. The Notice entries are added automatically by Google Apps Script to let you know when the execution started and ended. The Info entry corresponds to the Logger.log statement. This entry is logging an empty string.

    Unfortunately, the spreadsheet image doesn’t include the source cell, row 14, column 5, aka E14. This cell is likely blank.

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