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Using this piece of code:

function displayPixelValue(event) {
  const filteredLayers = map.getAllLayers().filter(function (layer) {
    return layer.get('name');
  for (let i=0; i<filteredLayers.length; i++) {
    let reliefPattern = "_mbpd_";
    if (filteredLayers[i].get('name').match(reliefPattern)) {
      const reliefValue = filteredLayers[i].getData(event.pixel);
map.on(['pointermove'], displayPixelValue);

I am getting the desired result but as 15 float32array outputs (ie. 15 GeoTIFF files were queried) every time I move the mouse (see output image):

enter image description here

The idea is to save all results (ie. outputs after the mouse is moved), merge/concatenate them and filter those out containing anything but negative numbers (eg. NaN, 255), so getting a simple list that can be used later. I can filter 255 with reliefValue[0] when it is only one float32array output, though.

I’ve been reading that float32array only has .get and .set methods. So in order to get arrays I used, but again the problem is that it converts only the first one.

Support is much appreciated,



  1. You can filter the array with this logic

    !isNaN(n) && n < 0

    to filter out NaN values and values that are less than 0.


    [NaN, 255, -5365.85].filter((n) => 
      !isNaN(n) && n < 0) // [-5365.85]
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  2. If I understand correctly, you want to have a single array of values that are either NaN or >= 0.

    You can use .filter() on the Array32Float and then concat with Array.from(), like so:

    function displayPixelValue(event) {
      let result = [];
      const filteredLayers = map.getAllLayers().filter(function (layer) {
        return layer.get('name');
      for (let i=0; i<filteredLayers.length; i++) {
        let reliefPattern = "_mbpd_";
        if (filteredLayers[i].get('name').match(reliefPattern)) {
          const reliefValue = filteredLayers[i].getData(event.pixel);
          const arr = Array.from(reliefValue || []);
          result = result.concat(arr.filter(function(n) {
            return isNaN(n) || n >= 0;
    map.on(['pointermove'], displayPixelValue);

    if you want to aggregate additional values from every time you move a pixel, just move result outside of displayPixelValue like so:

    let result = [];
    function displayPixelValue(event) {
      // ...code continues
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