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I am having a type Error which I do not understand

This is the type for the state

export type Foo = {
    animals: {
        dogs?: Dogs[],
        cats?: Cats[],
        fishs?: Fishs[]
    animalQueue: (Dogs | Cats | Fishs)[]

Now, in a reducer I am trying this

someFunction: (state, action: PayloadAction<{ index: number, animalKey: keyof Required<Foo>['animals']}> => {
    const {index, animalKey} = action.payload
    const animal = state.animalQueue[index]

Now this gives me the error

TS2345: Argument of type ‘WritableDraft | WritableDraft | WritableDraft<…> is not assignable to parameter of type ‘Dogs & Cats & Fishs. Type ‘WritableDraft’ is not assignable to type ‘Dogs & Cats & Fishs’. Property ‘height’ is missing in type ‘WritableDraft’ but required in type ‘Cats’.

I assume this is because of this

(Dogs | Cats | Fishs)[]

So what I try to define here is an Array that can contain Dogs and/or Cats and/or Fishs. So basically everything in an ‘mixed’ amount.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    A tight type checking is needed

    someFunction: (state, action: PayloadAction<{ index: number, animalKey: keyof Required<Foo>['animals'] }>) => {
        const { index, animalKey } = action.payload;
        const animal = state.animalQueue[index];
        switch (animalKey):
            case 'dogs':
                if(isDogType(animal)) state.animals[animalKey]!.push(animal as Dogs);
            case 'cats':
                if(isCatType(animal)) state.animals[animalKey]!.push(animal as Cats);
            case 'fishs':
                if(isFishType(animal)) state.animals[animalKey]!.push(animal as Fishs);

    where isDogType(), isCatType() and isFishType() are type guards

  2. Thе еrror you’rе еncountеring is duе to TypеScript’s typе chеcking and how it’s intеracting with thе typеs you’vе dеfinеd for your Foo statе. It’s rеlatеd to thе fact that TypеScript is trying to еnsurе that thе typеs match corrеctly whеn you’rе pushing еlеmеnts into thе animals array basеd on thе animalKеy.

    Thе еrror mеssagе indicatеs that TypеScript is еxpеcting a cеrtain sеt of propеrtiеs (such as ‘hеight’ for Cats) that arе not prеsеnt in thе WritablеDraft typе you’rе using.

    Here is your updated reducer function:

    someFunction: (state, action: PayloadAction<{ index: number, animalKey: keyof Required<Foo>['animals'] }>) => {
        const { index, animalKey } = action.payload;
        const animal = state.animalQueue[index];
        if (animalKey === 'dogs') {
            state.animals.dogs!.push(animal as Dogs);
        } else if (animalKey === 'cats') {
            state.animals.cats!.push(animal as Cats);
        } else if (animalKey === 'fishs') {
            state.animals.fishs!.push(animal as Fishs);
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