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considering each sign always in the start or end of the string only, we want to give each sgin a space before or after so as a word:

The desired result is commented, My function has an issue as you see:

modify('you always have to wake up?'); // you always have to wake up ? 

modify(' always have to wake up'); // ... you always have to wake up

modify(' always have to wake up?!'); // ... you always have to wake up ?!

function modify(string) {
    const sgins = ['?', '!', '...', '?!', '!?', '!!', '.'];
  for (let a = 0; a < sgins.length; a++) {
    const split = string.split(sgins[a]);
    string = string.replaceAll(sgins[a], ` ${sgins[a]} `).trim();

How would you do this?



  1. You could use a simple regex:

    string.replace(/$[?!.]+/, '$& ');

    Means replace all continuous ?!. characters with the characters plus a space in the beginning of the string. The same for the end.

    modify('you always have to wake up?'); // you always have to wake up ? 
    modify(' always have to wake up'); // ... you always have to wake up
    modify(' always have to wake up?!'); // ... you always have to wake up ?!
    function modify(string) {
       string = string.replace(/^[?!.]+/, '$& ').replace(/[?!.]+$/, ' $&');

    If you need exact prefixes you can build the regexp:

    modify('you always have to wake up?'); // you always have to wake up ? 
    modify(' always have to wake up'); // ... you always have to wake up
    modify(' always have to wake up?!'); // ... you always have to wake up ?!
    function modify(string) {
      const sgins = ['?', '!', '...', '?!', '!?', '!!', '.'];
      const options = sgins.sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length).map(prefix => [...prefix].map(c => '\' + c).join('')).join('|');
      string = string.replace(new RegExp('^(' + options + ')'), '$1 ').replace(new RegExp('(' + options + ')$'), ' $1');
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  2. First off I would not use split() to be honest with You. I would write this like that, but this is not optimal code. This is not for all cases, I had to replace some signs of Your array to work. If You want to make it perfect, then you have to program this for a lot of different cases so code would be a little bigger. Cause for example what if there already is space? ETC.

    function modify(string) {
      let didEnd = false;
      let didStart = false;
      const sgins = ['?!', '!?', '!!', '!', '?', '...', '.'];
      for (let a = 0; a < sgins.length; a++) {
        if (string.startsWith(sgins[a]) && !didStart) {
          string = string.replace(sgins[a], `${sgins[a]} `);
          didStart = true;
        if (string.endsWith(sgins[a]) && !didEnd) {
          string = string.replace(sgins[a], ` ${sgins[a]}`);
          didEnd = true;
    modify('you always have to wake up?');
    modify(' always have to wake up'); 
    modify(' always have to wake up?!');
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