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I have a map that is drawing markers for vehicles based on their GPS location inside a .json file. I’m running into problems getting the map to automatically reload the data from the .json file and then redraw the markers based on the new data/location. Here is some excerpts of my code:

const fetchAPI = async () => {
  const url = './cradlepoint.json';
  const response = await fetch(url);
  const locations = await response.json();
  return locations;

let data = await fetchAPI();

This is the fetch call that gets the location from the .json file and that’s working fine; I confirmed that if the .json file changes, it brings in those changes. I added a setInterval to fire that every 5 seconds to grab new location data. Next I build the map and import that data:

async function initMap() {
    const { Map, InfoWindow, KmlLayer } = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps");
    const { Marker } = await google.maps.importLibrary("marker");
    map = new Map(document.getElementById("map"), {
      mapId: "####",
      center: { lat: ###, lng: ### },
      zoom: 14,

  const busicon = "";
  const infoWindow = new InfoWindow();

  function setMarker() {
  var results =
  for (let i = 0; i < results; i++){
    var busid =[i].id;
    var buslat =[i].latitude;
    var buslong =[i].longitude;
    const marker = new Marker({
      map: map,
      position: { lat: buslat, lng: buslong },
      icon: busicon,
      title: busid
    // Add a click listener for each marker, and set up the info window.
    marker.addListener("click", ({ domEvent, latLng }) => {
    const { target } = domEvent;

    infoWindow.setContent(marker.title);, marker);



I wrapped my create marker code into a function and then used setInterval to fire that every 5 seconds.

Both the fetch and the setmarker code is automatically running as expected, the problem is I can’t get the updated location info coming out of the fetch call to dump into the "data" declaration. I also suspect I need to add code to delete all markers and then re-draw them; but without getting the updated location data from the fetch, that’s a moot point.



  1. Why not let data = await fetchAPI(); ? I suspect your problem is to construct all those functions into one process that occurs every 5 seconds? Maybe something like this pseudo-code:

    // globals
    let map = null;
    let previous_markers = null
    // just for debug
    function delay(millisec) {
      return new Promise(resolve => {
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, millisec);
    // fetching the json
    async function fetch_data() {
      console.log("TODO: fetch data");
      await delay(1000);
      return new Array(3).fill(Math.round(Math.random()*10));
    // setting markers
    async function setMarkers(map, markers) {
      console.log("TODO: set markers on map: " + markers);
    // removing markers
    async function removeMarkers(map, markers) {
      console.log("TODO: remove markers from map: " + previous_markers);
    // google map
    function Map() {
      return "map";
    // init map, draw map, remove markers, draw markers 
    async function draw_map(markers) {
      if (map == null) {
        console.log("TODO: init map")
        map = new Map();
      if (previous_markers) {
        removeMarkers(map, previous_markers);
      setMarkers(map, markers)
      previous_markers = markers;
    // the process function every 5 seconds
    async function fetch_and_draw() {
      let markers = await fetch_data();
    // main:
    setInterval(fetch_and_draw, 5000);
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  2. It seems that you are not updating the "data" variable with the new locations when calling to the fetchAPI ().
    You are calling fetchAPI every 5 seconds but not assigning new values to "data".
    Then you can change to :

    let data;
    const fetchAPI = async () => {
        const locations = await response.json();
        data = locations;
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