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The options in the dropdown are Completed, In Progress, and Followup. I only want to hide the row when Completed is selected. Is there a way to achieve this?

Tried the following function

function onEdit(e) { 
    const columns = [3]; 
    const { range } = e;
    if (!columns.includes(range.columnStart) || !range.isComplete()) return; 



  1. try:

    function onEdit(e) {
      // Get the active sheet and the event range
      var sheet = e.source.getActiveSheet();
      var range = e.range;
      // Check if the edited cell is in column C
      if (range.getColumn() == 3) { 
        // Get the value of the edited cell
        var cellValue = range.getValue();
        // Check if the cell value is "Completed"
        if (cellValue == "Completed") {
          // Get the row number of the edited cell
          var row = range.getRow();
          // Hide the row
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  2. You were close


    function onEdit(e) { 
        const columns = [3]; 
        const { range } = e;
        if (!columns.includes(range.columnStart) || !range.isComplete()) return; 


    function onEdit(e) { 
        const columns = [3]; 
        const { range, value } = e;
        if (!columns.includes(range.columnStart) || value !== 'Completed') return; 


    • isCompleted() is not method of Class Range.
    • Beside the range property, the on edit event object might include a value property. This property is included when a single cell is edited, except if the cell value was cleared. The To version makes use of this property.
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