I’m creating a speech app that transcribes mic input—so far, I’m using rev.ai to transcribe the speech and I’m saving it into the speecharray
array. How can I then export the speech to my App.js file so I can display the transcript on my website?
Here’s my file structure:
file structure
Here’s my code for server.js:
const mic = require('mic');
const readline = require('readline');
const token = 'TOKEN';
// initialize client with audio configuration and access token
const audioConfig = new revai.AudioConfig(
/* contentType */ "audio/x-raw",
/* layout */ "interleaved",
/* sample rate */ 16000,
/* format */ "S16LE",
/* channels */ 1
// initialize microphone configuration
// note: microphone device id differs
// from system to system and can be obtained with
// arecord --list-devices and arecord --list-pcms
const micConfig = {
/* sample rate */ rate: 16000,
/* channels */ channels: 1,
/* device id */ device: 'hw:0,0'
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
var client = new revai.RevAiStreamingClient(token, audioConfig);
var micInstance = mic(micConfig);
// create microphone stream
var micStream = micInstance.getAudioStream();
// create event responses
client.on('close', (code, reason) => {
console.log(`Connection closed, ${code}: ${reason}`);
client.on('httpResponse', code => {
console.log(`Streaming client received http response with code: ${code}`);
client.on('connectFailed', error => {
console.log(`Connection failed with error: ${error}`);
client.on('connect', connectionMessage => {
console.log(`Connected with message: ${connectionMessage}`);
micStream.on('error', error => {
console.log(`Microphone input stream error: ${error}`);
// begin streaming session
var stream = client.start();
const speecharray = [];
// create event responses
stream.on('data', data => {
if (data.type == 'final')
for (i in data.elements)
// umCount = speecharray.filter(value => value == "um");
// console.log("um count:" + umCount.length);
// uhCount = speecharray.filter(value => value == "uh");
// console.log("uh count:" + uhCount.length)
// score = (umCount.length + uhCount.length) / speecharray.length
// console.log("score:" + score)
// listen for spacebar press to end streaming and display score
process.stdin.on('keypress', (str, key) => {
if (key.name === 'return') {
micInstance.stop(); // stop the microphone
stream.end(); // end the streaming session
// Calculate and display the score
const weight = 4;
const umCount = speecharray.filter(value => value === 'um').length;
const uhCount = speecharray.filter(value => value === 'uh').length;
const totalWords = speecharray.length;
const score = ((umCount*weight + uhCount*weight) / totalWords) * 100;
console.log(speecharray.join(" "));
console.log(`Um count: ${umCount}`);
console.log(`Uh count: ${uhCount}`);
console.log(`Total words: ${totalWords}`);
console.log(`Fluency: ${100 - score}%`);
process.stdin.pause(); // pause stdin to stop listening for keypresses
//on certain button press log it
stream.on('end', function () {
console.log("End of Stream");
// pipe the microphone audio to Rev AI client
// start the microphone
// Forcibly ends the streaming session
// stream.end();
I tried to use export default and import into the App.js but it had a bunch of polyfill errors, which I don’t know what that is. Thanks!
Then in your app.js file import it using require:
without exporting you can use Global State and Reducer to store the
Then using Globale state you can access anywhere you want.