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How can I hide the message ‘Oops! Something went wrong’ when an invalid Google Maps API key is supplied? Additionally, how do I capture errors when an invalid Google Maps API key is provided and display the error in an alert message?

hdr_loadGoogleMap: function() {
        var me = this,
            vFormPanel = me.getFormPanel(),
            vFldValues = vFormPanel.getFldValues(['install_gmapikey','install_gmapid','install_gmapcoor','install_gmaptype']),
            vContainer = vFormPanel.down('container[hostCmpId=mapContainer]'),
            vGmapcoor = vFldValues['install_gmapcoor'].split(','),
            vGMapTypes = {
                'map': 'roadmap',
                'satellite': 'satellite',
                'terrain': 'terrain',
                'labels': 'hybrid'

vLanguageCode ='en';
            url: ''+vLanguageCode,
            onLoad: function () {
                 me.hdr_gmap = Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
                    layout: 'fit',
                    header: false,
                    border: false,
                    itemId: 'map',
                    style: 'padding: 0; border-width: 0;',
                    draggable: false,
                    height: 290,
                    width: 350,
                    items: [{
                        xtype: 'uxgmappanel',
                        useCurrentLocation: true,
                        center: {
                            lat: vLat,
                            lng: vLng
                        mapOptions: {
                            zoom: 14,
                            mapTypeId: vGMapTypes[(vFldValues['install_gmaptype']) ? vFldValues['install_gmaptype'].toLowerCase(): 'map'], 
                            mapId: vFldValues['install_gmapid']

        window.gm_authFailure = function() {
            var vDelayedTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(function() {



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Thanks for the response. I tried with the above code and not working. I have used below code to hide/remove error message on the map.

    window.gm_authFailure = function() {
                // Find the gm-err-container element from the HTML body
                var vErrorMessageContainer = document.querySelector('.gm-err-container');
                // Check if the element exists
                if (vErrorMessageContainer) {
                    // Remove the element from the HTML body
                    alert(Invalid API Key);

  2. You can make use of the error event of the script tag when loading the Google Maps API.

    hdr_loadGoogleMap: function() {
    var me = this,
        vFormPanel = me.getFormPanel(),
        vFldValues = vFormPanel.getFldValues(['install_gmapikey','install_gmapid','install_gmapcoor','install_gmaptype']),
        vContainer = vFormPanel.down('container[hostCmpId=mapContainer]'),
        vGmapcoor = vFldValues['install_gmapcoor'].split(','),
        vGMapTypes = {
            'map': 'roadmap',
            'satellite': 'satellite',
            'terrain': 'terrain',
            'labels': 'hybrid'
        vLanguageCode ='en';
    // Create a script element to load Google Maps API
    var script = document.createElement('script');
    script.src = '' + vLanguageCode;
    // Handle script load error
    script.onerror = function() {
        alert('Invalid Google Maps API key provided.'); // Display custom error message
    // Append the script to the document
    script.onload = function() {
        me.hdr_gmap = Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
            layout: 'fit',
            header: false,
            border: false,
            itemId: 'map',
            style: 'padding: 0; border-width: 0;',
            draggable: false,
            height: 290,
            width: 350,
            items: [{
                xtype: 'uxgmappanel',
                useCurrentLocation: true,
                center: {
                    lat: vLat,
                    lng: vLng
                mapOptions: {
                    zoom: 14,
                    mapTypeId: vGMapTypes[(vFldValues['install_gmaptype']) ? vFldValues['install_gmaptype'].toLowerCase(): 'map'], 
                    mapId: vFldValues['install_gmapid']


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