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Is there a way I could refactor the below code so it doesn’t matter how many elements with ID there is? This is what I’ve got so far.

   top = Math.floor( $(window).scrollTop() );  
   if(top<=$('#div-1').offset().top) {
       var value = $('#div-1').attr('data-value');

   } else if(top<=$('#div-2').offset().top) {
       var value = $('#div-2').attr('data-value');
   } else if(top<=$('#div-3').offset().top) {
       var value = $('#div-3').attr('data-value');

   } else if(top<=$('#div-4').offset().top) {
       var value = $('#div-4').attr('data-value');



  1. I think you can do

        $('[id^="div-"]').each(function() { 
           let curr = $(this);
           if(top<=curr.offset().top) {
               return false;

    I didn’t check if your code works nor didn’t try to improve it. Just refactored it to be the same as your functionality.

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  2. To achieve this you could put the same class on all the div elements. Then you can use a loop in your jQuery logic to determine which are below the current scroll position.

    Also note the use of data() in the following example to retrieve the data-* attribute instead of attr()

    const $divs = $('.scroll-demo');
    $(window).scroll(function() {;
      const top = Math.floor($(this).scrollTop());
      $divs.each(i => {
        const $div = $divs.eq(i);
        if (top <= $div.offset().top) {
          let value = $'value');
    .scroll-demo {
      height: 1000px;
    <script src=""></script>
    <div class="scroll-demo" data-value="1">Foo</div>
    <div class="scroll-demo" data-value="2">Bar</div>
    <div class="scroll-demo" data-value="3">Fizz</div>
    <div class="scroll-demo" data-value="4">Buzz</div>
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  3. You can create a common class and keep iterating until you find what meets your condition and then attribute it.

    $(window).scroll(function() {
       var top = Math.floor($(window).scrollTop());
       var foundEle = false;
       $('[class^="div-"]').each(function() {
          var $this = $(this);
          if (top <= $this.offset().top && !foundEle) {
             var value = $this.attr('data-di');    
             foundEle = true;
             return false;
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  4. If the page is not dynamically generated.
    I haven’t run the code specifically, there may be a problem

    const obj = {};
    $('[id^="div-"]').each(function () {
        let curr = $(this);
        obj[curr.offset().top] = curr; //() => curr.attr("data-value");
    const sortKeys = Object.keys(obj).sort((a, b) => b - a);
    $(window).scroll(function () {
        top = Math.floor($(window).scrollTop());
        for (let i = 0; i < sortKeys.length; i++) {
            const currDom = obj[sortKeys[i]]();
            const currHeight = currDom.height();
            const currTop = sortKeys[i];
            if (top >= currTop && top < currTop + currHeight) {
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