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The code below, eslint raises some error

{authModal.mode === 'login' ? <Login /> : authModal.mode === 'register' ? <SignUp /> : <ForgotPassword />}

Error: Do not nest ternary expressions. eslint(no-nested-ternary)

I have come up with 3 ways not to get the error:

  1. check for each case
{authModal.mode === 'login' && <Login />}
{authModal.mode === 'register' && <SignUp />}
{authModal.mode === 'forgotPassword' && <ForgotPassword />}
  1. if/else inside function
{(() => {
  if (authModal.mode === 'login') {
    return <Login />;
  if (authModal.mode === 'register') {
    return <SignUp />;
  return <ForgotPassword />;
  1. switch case inside function
{(() => {
  switch (authModal.mode) {
    case 'login':
      return <Login />;
    case 'register':
      return <SignUp />;
    case 'forgotPassword':
      return <ForgotPassword />;
      throw new Error('Invalid auth mode');

I’m new to JS and want to know how people would deal with this. If some of my solutions should be avoided please let me know. Other solutions are also appreciated!



  1. I like to use objects for this spot.

    const autModal = {
      mode: 'login'
    const modes = {
      login: <Login />,
      register: <Singup />
      forgotPassword: <ForgotPassword />
    () => modes['authModal.mode']
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  2. I would use a useMemo with an object lookup:

    const authComponent = useMemo(() => ({
      'login': <Login />,
      'register': <SignUp />,
      'forgotPassword': <ForgotPassword />
    })[authModal.mode], [authModal.mode]);
    return (
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