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I would like to have a flexible assertion which checks if a string is one of several values.

I have just started running my WebdriverIO + Mocha tests on BrowserStack, but they have US locale machines which render dates differently, so my tests are failing. There doesn’t seem to be a locale setting in BrowserStack config.


  expectDOB_AU = '29/02/2024'
  expectDOB_US = '2/29/2024'

    await expect(await MyPage.inputDOB.getValue()).toBe([expectDOB_AU, expectDOB_US])

I can see that hasText can take an array, but this doesn’t work for a string fetched from an input value.

I have looked at this related question Multiple values in a single assertion in webdriverio



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I have implemented this as a custom matcher - but still would like to know if it's possible in standard webdriverio.


        toBeOneOf(actual, expecteds) {
            return {pass: expecteds.includes(actual), message: () => `${actual} should be one of ${expecteds}`}

    optional: test/custom/CustomMatchers.d.ts

    // keep the IDE or Typescript happier 
    declare namespace ExpectWebdriverIO {
        interface Matchers<R, T> {
            toBeOneOf(actual:string, expecteds: string[]): R


        before: function (capabilities, specs) {

    in the test spec

      await expect(await myPage.inputDOB.getValue()).toBeOneOf([sDOB_AU,sDOB_US])

  2. I realised I can use "native" Jest expects in webdriverio, and by inverting the assertion I can use a standard array matcher without need for custom matcher.

      await expect([sDOB, sDOB_US]).toContain(await myPage.inputDOB.getValue())

    It feels unusual to me to have the expect value on the other side, but it works.

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