I’m trying to have a button change links when you click the buttons on the menu.
For example, I click button 1 and then I click the Link button it opens webpage 1, but then I click button 2 and then click the Link button, it is still webpage 1 that opens.
How do I make it to where it would change the links every time a button is pressed?
Here is what I had done so far, but after one button is clicked it doesn’t change the link again, even when clicking the other button.
my code is here:
<nav class= "menu">
<li id="button1" onclick="button1()"> Page 1</li>
<li id="button2" onclick="button2()">Page 2</li>
<li id="Link" href="#">View Page</li>
const bttn = document.getElementById("Link");
function button1(){
bttn.addEventListener('click', function bttn3() {
var url = "webpage1.html";
function button2(){
bttn.addEventListener('click', function bttn3() {
var url = "webpage2.html";
Your HTML has many errors…
A simplest way is about using a data attribute
Note: Place JavaScript code after HTML code.