I have the image saved in the DB as BLOB datatype
I’m using nodejs with express and I’m using multer library to upload the images
if (req.file) { userProfile.profilePhoto = req.file } await userProfile.save()
this is what I’m doing on the frontend I recieve the profilePhoto as
profilePhoto: { type: "Buffer", data: (15)[string of numbers] }
I tried converting it to a base64 cause I looked other question related to this but didn’t work for me I did it on the client side
import {Buffer} from "buffer" const base64 = Buffer.from( result.data.profilePhoto.data, "binary" ).toString("base64");
which gives me a weird string like this W29iamVjdCBPYmplY3Rd
I want to pass a link to the src attribute I don’t know how to do it any help would be appreciated
also should I handle the conversion in the backend ? what would be the best
Your code
will return a string "W29iamVjdCBPYmplY3Rd".
prefix to it… and add that to src of your image in the frontend..Handling the same can be done in backend also….
My opinion: I store all links in backend (somewhere like S3 bucket). And I give only links to front