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I have a jsonArray with two embedded arrays with objects. I’m attempting to count "duty" parentId based on teams "value" as there is a one to one match. For example: Team A value 500 will have Meetings and Lunch duties and Team B will have Time Cards, Parking, and Breakfast duties.

           "text":"Team A",
           "text":"Team B",
           "text":"Time Cards",

I’m getting the above json back correctly using Vue (Axios). Below is my method.
I was able to count using reduce but that was only just the first object in the array (teams),
with no linking to (duty). Is there a way to count by value and parentId since
they are in the same array…jsonArray.teams.value == jsonArray.duty.parentId ?

newJsonData() {
  var dutyCount = this.jsonArray.flatMap((item) => item.teams);

  let countValuesByKey = (arr, key) =>
    arr.reduce((r, c) => {
      r[c[key]] = (r[c[key]] || 0) + 1;
      return r;
    }, {});

  //returns numbers only 
  let countValue = (arr, key, value) =>
    arr.filter((x) => x[key] === value).length;

  console.debug("dutyCount", countValuesByKey(dutyCount, "text"));

  return dutyCount;

Expected Result:

  "Team A": 2,
  "Team B": 3



  1. You’re not too far off with your attempt – while there are a few ways to do this, the easiest way (IMO) is to stick with reduce().

    In the function below, I use it twice: first to build an object map of team IDs to their text names, then I use a second reduce() call on the duty array to count instances of that team’s ID:

    const jsonResponse = {
      "jsonArray": [{
        "teams": [
            "text": "Team A",
            "id": 1,
            "value": 500,
            "parentId": 333
            "text": "Team B",
            "id": 2,
            "value": 600,
            "parentId": 444
        "duty": [
            "text": "Meetings",
            "id": 11,
            "value": 100,
            "parentId": 500
            "text": "Lunch",
            "id": 12,
            "value": 101,
            "parentId": 500
            "text": "Time Cards",
            "id": 13,
            "value": 102,
            "parentId": 600
            "text": "Parking",
            "id": 14,
            "value": 103,
            "parentId": 600
            "text": "Breakfast",
            "id": 15,
            "value": 104,
            "parentId": 600
    function processJsonResponse(jsonResponse) {
      return jsonResponse['jsonArray'].map(cv => {
        var teams = cv['teams'].reduce((acc, team) => {
          acc[team['value']] = team['text'];
          return acc;
        }, {});
        return cv['duty'].reduce((acc, duty) => {
          acc[teams[duty['parentId']]] = acc[teams[duty['parentId']]] ? acc[teams[duty['parentId']]] + 1 : 1;
          return acc;
        }, {});

    This code is also built to support future instances where jsonResponse['jsonArray'].length > 1 by using map() on jsonResponse['jsonArray'] – however all you need to do to match exactly the expected output you’ve prescribed in your post is to tack the [0] on to your call to processJsonResponse(), i.e. processJsonResponse(jsonResponse)[0].

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  2. An Array.reduce with proper indexing to both array will solve your issue.

    A working example is added below

    const response = {
      jsonArray: [
          teams: [
            { text: "Team A", id: 1, value: 500, parentId: 333 },
            { text: "Team B", id: 2, value: 600, parentId: 444 },
          duty: [
            { text: "Meetings", id: 11, value: 100, parentId: 500 },
            { text: "Lunch", id: 12, value: 101, parentId: 500 },
            { text: "Time Cards", id: 13, value: 102, parentId: 600 },
            { text: "Parking", id: 14, value: 103, parentId: 600 },
            { text: "Breakfast", id: 15, value: 104, parentId: 600 },
    const result = response.jsonArray[0].duty.reduce((acc, curr) => {
      const teamName = response.jsonArray[0].teams.find(
        (team) => team.value === curr.parentId
      if (teamName && teamName.text) {
        acc[teamName.text] = acc[teamName.text] ? ++acc[teamName.text] : 1;
      return acc;
    }, {});
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