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For usual object using string as key, we can use JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(myObject)).
How can I deep clone an object using Symbol() as keys ?

Note: structuredClone({[Symbol()]: 42}) returns {} which is not usable either



  1. Use Object.getOwnPropertySymbols to iterate and copy symbols.

    You can improve the code by copying property descriptors instead of simple property assignment.

    enter image description here

    const symbol = Symbol();
    const symbol2 = Symbol();
    const obj = {[symbol]: 42, child: {[symbol2]: 11}, arr: [{[Symbol()]: 'foo'}, 2, 3]};
    const cloneObjectWithSymbols = (obj) => {
      if(obj?.constructor?.name === 'Object'){
        const out = {};
        for(const symbol of Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(obj)){
          const prop = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, symbol);
          Object.defineProperty(out, symbol, prop);
        for(const k in obj){
          out[k] = cloneObjectWithSymbols(obj[k]);
        return out;
      return Array.isArray(obj) ? : obj;
    const cloned = cloneObjectWithSymbols(obj);
    console.log(cloned[symbol], cloned.child[symbol2]);
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  2. One approach would be to iterate through all properties and Symbols and copy them to a new object(since structuredClone will not be able to clone Symbols and methods1).

    # 1. Base case of recursive call: if provided obj is null or not an object return the value as is.
    # 2. initialize cloned object as object or array based on obj type.
    # 3. for(all the own property keys of the input obj)
        # 3.1. if current prop is an object and !null apply recursive call. why? since it is nested.
        # 3.2. else it will be some primitive value which suggest that we define a new property on clonedObj with its descriptors and value.
    # 4. return clonedObj
    function customDeepCloneWithSymbols(obj) {
        // Base Case
        if (obj === null || typeof obj !== 'object') {
            return obj;
        let clonedObj = Array.isArray(obj) ? [] : {};
        // Faith
        for (let prop of Reflect.ownKeys(obj)) {
            if (typeof obj[prop] === 'object' && obj[prop] !== null) {
                clonedObj[prop] = customDeepCloneWithSymbols(obj[prop]);
            } else {
                Reflect.defineProperty(clonedObj, prop, Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop));
              // or
              // Object.defineProperty(clonedObj, prop, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop));
        return clonedObj;


    The clone and cloneDeep functions provided by lodash clone Symbols in case you’re flexible for using a library to achieve your purpose.

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