I have an issue with $.ajax when my website has a path base where the url that I specify in javascript is missing the path base and the route is not found. Is there a good strategy for accounting for path base with $.ajax?
I had the idea to use ajaxSetup with beforeSend to alter the url with a prefix, which would allow me to set the url prefix from a global location, instead of having to modify every url string in my code base with the prefix, but if I use beforeSend with my $.ajax call, then the beforeSend established with ajaxSetup is ignored, so I don’t see how that option could be used.
This is what I ended up with. I found that ajaxSend let me do what I couldn't with ajaxSetup. Please, excuse the ASP.Net references.
Monkey-patch it, run this code once, early on in your application, before any ajax requests (replace http://localhost:4000 with the prefix of your choice):