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Here are 3 files:

// ./app/index.ts
const app = {
  test: 1,
export default app
// ./app.ts
import app from './app/index'

export default app
// ./index.vue
import { test } from './app.ts'


When I run index.vue an error shows:

SyntaxError: The requested module ‘/@fs/Users/VJ/Desktop/project/app.ts?t=1691652606598’ does not provide an export named ‘test’

How can I fix it?



  1. here is the way that should work.


    const app = {
        test: 1,
        // ...
    export { app };


    import { app } from './app/index';
    export default app;


    import app from './app.ts';
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  2. For import { test } from './app.ts' to work app.ts needs to have a named export test. Yours only has a default export.

    If you don’t want to explicitly export every property of the object I suggest to use object destructuring in index.vue:

    import app from './app.ts'
    const {test} = app

    FWIW, if you have to use app.ts as intermediate module (for whatever reason) you can rewrite it to

    export {default} from './app/index'
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