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Coming from a different language (where such thing was trivial), I am struggling to express a list of pairs:

  • Each pair consists of two primitives (strings, or numbers)
  • Each value can repeat multiple times, but a combination must be unique:
a, k
a, m
b, m
b, n

The 2 features I need are:

  • Be able to add a pair, knowing that if a pair repeats, it won’t be added (e.g. if I try to add a, k to the above list, the second instance won’t be added
  • I should be able to check if the pair is in the list. E.g. if I check b, n it would return true, and b, p would return false.

What’s the suitable implementation in typescript?

Originally I was thinking of Set<[string, string]>:

const a = new Set<[string, string]>();
a.add(['a', 'k']);
a.add(['a', 'm']);
a.add(['b', 'm']);
a.add(['b', 'n']);

But of course the issue is that it compares object, so a.has(['a', 'b']) returns false.
So what are the other options?



  1. How about creating your own utility for this?

    type Item = string | number
    type ItemPair<T extends Item> = [T, T]
    class ItemPairHolder<T extends Item> {
      private holder: Map<Item, Set<Item>>;
      public constructor() {
        this.holder = new Map();
      public add(pair: ItemPair<T>): void {
        const [key, value] = pair;
        const set = this.holder.get(key) ?? new Set();
        this.holder.set(key, set);
      public has(pair: ItemPair<T>): boolean {
        const [key, value] = pair;
        return this.holder.get(key)?.has(value) ?? false;

    When using it with your example:

    const holder = new ItemPairHolder<string>();
    holder.add(['a', 'k']);
    holder.add(['a', 'm']);
    holder.add(['b', 'm']);
    holder.add(['b', 'n']);
    console.log(holder.has(['b', 'n'])); // true
    console.log(holder.has(['b', 'p'])); // false
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  2. JS Set checks element equality using Thus, for arrays it compares if it is the same instance or the array.

    See Set in MDN

    See Equality comparisons and sameness

    I would consider a class holding your arrays in stringified form:

    class ArraySet<T extends any[]>  {
        values = new Set<string>();
        add: (arr: T) => this = (arr) => {
            return this;
        has: (arr: T) => boolean = (arr) => {
            return this.values.has(JSON.stringify(arr));
    const a = new ArraySet<[string, string]>();
    a.add(['a', 'k']);
    a.add(['a', 'm']);
    a.add(['b', 'm']);
    a.add(['b', 'n']);
    console.log(a.has(['a', 'k']))

    See also: Storing arrays in ES6 Set and accessing them by value

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