I’m working on getting unplugin-vue-components
working with my project so I don’t have to register all of my first-party plugin components all through my individual projects… I’m having trouble getting Vite
to recognize the named/exported Vue Components in my SFCs…
Console Log:
An error occurred: The requested module '/flighter/resources/js/components/LinkWrapper.vue' does not provide an export named 'FlighterLinkWrapper' SyntaxError: The requested module '/flighter/resources/js/components/LinkWrapper.vue' does not provide an export named 'FlighterLinkWrapper'
From my generated components.d.ts
// ...
FlighterLink:typeof import('flighter/js/components/Link.vue')['FlighterLink'];
FlighterLinkWrapper:typeof import('flighter/js/components/LinkWrapper.vue')['FlighterLinkWrapper'];
FlighterMapLink:typeof import('flighter/js/components/links/Map.vue')['FlighterMapLink'];
// ...
From my vite.config.ts
// ...
resolve: {
alias: [
{find: '@js/', replacement: path.resolve(__dirname, `resources/js`) + '/'},
{find: /^@?flighter//, replacement: path.resolve(__dirname, `flighter/resources`) + '/'}
extensions: ['.mjs', '.js', '.ts', '.jsx', '.tsx', '.json']
// ...
The contents of my flighter/resources/js/components/LinkWrapper.vue
file includes:
<script lang="ts" setup>
// ...
<script lang="ts">
export default {
name: 'FlighterLinkWrapper'
I’ve already confirmed that the issue is not with the Vue SFC trying to be resolved itself… something to do with the file not being interpreted properly, or a module name mismatch if that makes sense?
My Dev Stack:
Laravel 10
/InertiaJS 1
/VueJS 3
/ViteJS 4
/TailwindCSS 3
/Vitest 0.31
/VitePress 1
FontAwesome Pro 6
TL;DR; Anyone have experience setting up unplugin-vue-components
in one of their projects?
First things first: did you configure vite to work with Vue, are sfc recognised when not using
?If not make sure to install required dependencies:
single file components)
After having those installed update your
, it should look something like this:Hope it helps 🙂
As I know ,this plug find a component only by component path but name,so you need let the component using name same to the path name ,try to change the file name to FlighterLinkWrapper.vue from LinkWrapper.vue