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Without using regex, is there a way to get number from a string in JavaScript?

For example, if input is "id is 12345", then I want 12345 number in output.

I know a lot of regex solutions, but I am looking for a non-regex tidy solution.



  1. Iterate characters and parse each into a number. If the parsing is successful (check with isNaN()) then add it to the result number string. If the number sequence ends, break the loop:

    const str = 'id is 12345';
    let num = '';
    for(const char of str){
        num += char;
      }else if(num){

    If you need to find all numbers you could use Array::reduce() since there’s no breaking loop or wasted looping to the end:

    const str = 'id is 12345 or 54321';
    const nums = [...str, ''].reduce(({nums, num}, char) => {
      isNaN(parseInt(char)) ? num && nums.push(+num) && (num = '') : num +=char;
      return {nums, num};
    }, {nums:[], num: ''}).nums;
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  2. You can loop over all the characters and build up numbers from consecutive digits.

    Here is one solution that works for multiple numbers (formed only using the characters 0-9).

    const str = "abc def 12345 xyz 987";
    let res = [], curr = '';
    for (const c of str + ' ') {
      if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') // add || c === '-' (to handle negatives)
        curr += c;
      else if (curr)
        res.push(+curr), curr = '';
        // use BigInt(curr) to handle larger numbers
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